mom and dad

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Chapter 41

"Dixie" Addison yelled from downstairs

I jumped up and looked over at Nick sleeping peacefully. I kissed his forehead and I rolled out of bed.

I ran downstairs and saw Addison sitting on the couch

"Good morning best friend can you get me popcorn"

I rolled my eyes

"Really addi"

"Yes dix"

"Your lucky I love you Addison Hall"

"I love you Dixie"

I went into the kitchen and got Addison a bag of chips, I sat down next to her.

"Dix I literally look like a beach whale"

I looked at her and her growing stomach "Addison you are perfect and you will always be perfect"

"I love you Dixie"

"And I love you addi"

"Dixie I don't care, my son is gonna marry your daughter"

I laughed

"What if I don't have a son"

"I'm forcing you and Nick to have a daughter"

"I want a daughter so badly"

"I think your gonna have one"

"Honestly I really want a baby, but I don't know if Nick wants one yet"

"You guys have been together for years, and your pretty much married at this point, just talk to him dix"

"Like at first I wasn't sure, I mean I knew I wanted kids, but now I'm like sure I want to be a mom like right now"

"Talk to him dixie, he will surprise you"

"Thank you, I love you addi"

"I love you too bae"

I walked upstairs and Nick wasn't in bed and the shower was running. I took off my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey beautiful"

"Hey lover"

"Cmon in" he said with a smirk on his face

20 minutes later

"Can we go out for lunch Lover, I wanna talk to you about something"

"Of course, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good" I smiled

I picked my outfit and did light makeup

I picked my outfit and did light makeup

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(Outfit, plus an oversized crew neck)

Nick was waiting downstairs talking to Addison on the couch.

"hi sexy mamas" Addison called at me

I rolled my eyes I could tell what she was doing

"Addi call us if you need anything"

I gave Addison a hug and took Nicks hand and we waited outfit.

"Baby are you sure we have to go"

"Why what's wrong Lover"

"You just look good in that outfit"

I laughed "cmon clown let's go"

We drove to central LA and we picked a cafe to eat at, we ordered our food and talked for a little bit,

"So baby what did you wanna talk about"

"Well Uhm"

"Dixie, you can tell me anything love"

"I wanna have a baby"

At first he looked shocked which scared me but then he started smiling.

"Like right now, as in you wanna be parents and you want me to be the father of your child"

"Yes lover, what do you think about it"

"I would love too dix, I want you to be the mother of my children"

I was smiling like crazy "I'm glad nick, you make me the happiest"

"I love you baby"

"I love you"

We finished eating our lunch and we drove home, Nick ran over and opened my door and pulled me out of the car. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He started kissing my lips and could feel his smile. He put me down and her spun me around. We started dancing in the drive way. I was laughing, Nick never failed to make me smile or laugh.

We headed inside and went to go see Addison and Bryce, they were cuddling on the couch watching the notebook, Bryce's hand was across Addison's stomach and it was the sweetest thing in the world. I guess my baby fever is getting stronger and stronger by the minute.

Addison and Bryce's baby should be here any day by now, we had helped them set up the nursery.

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