Im too in love with you to lose you

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Chapter 38

3 days later. (Tuesday)

Still nothing, not texts back, nothing. I don't know if he's okay or if he's hurt or anything. I haven't eaten in 3 days and I don't plan of eating. I've stayed in bed in his hoodie watching my phone waiting for his message to come up, but nothing. I let Addison, Avani, Charli, Nessa, Mads and Olivia in once, but that was because they wouldn't leave, I loved them but I needed him and he wasn't here.



"Charli stop yelling at me"

"You haven't been eating at all"

"I'm not hungry"

"Dixie Jane I swear, don't you dare fall back into old habits"

"I won't charli I'm fine, I'm just not hungry"

"Dixie look, I love you so much but you can't live like this. We don't know when he's going to be back okay. He's going through a lot right now, he's mom needed him and he left okay, look we are all worried about you, so please just eat something for me" charli said with a tear running down her cheek

"Fine char, I will" I pulled her in for a hug and I wiped her tears away

3 hours later

I got up for the first time today and went to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was messy, there was sleep bags under my eyes from lack of sleep and I was in Nicks hoodie still. I showed a day ago only because Addison forced me into the shower.

Friday Night

The girls came into my room,

"We brought pizza dix" nessa said while giving me a hug

They all sat on nick and i's bed and we ate the pizza and talked, they helped me get my mind of everything, and occasionally I would check my phone to see if I had got a new message from nick, but nothing. It had almost been a week and I missed him more than anything. The girls all fell asleep in my room with me, it made me feel safe but not as safe as nick did, I loved these girls more than anything though.


1 week.






Tonight I snuck out of my room and got into my car, I didn't really know where I was going, but I was tired and crying and I needed that get out of my room. Before thinking about it, I was driving to the place where Nick asked me to be his girlfriend. I parked the car and got out. I sat in the place and cried for a bit, I fell asleep. I was mentally tired and I missed him.


All the days were the same on repeat, I would wake up check my phone, no text messages. I was showering this week and I got dressed, but still into nicks clothes. So I didn't have to go out I did my meetings online. I still felt empty and lonely without him and he was the only thing that was on my mind. I missed his touch on my body, his smell and the way his lips felt against mine. The girls came over and everyone always came in to check on me.

my one and only.|| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now