Everything went black

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Chapter 27

in this episode there will be something that happens, and if you feel uncomfortable you can skip over that part I will put a warning!!

I walked out the door and Addison was already sitting in the car filming a tik Tok. "Ready girly" she said as she looked at me, I smiled yeah I'm ready. I sat down in the passenger seat and Addison drove off into the city.

A: addi D: Dix

A: so how was it
I looked at her awkwardly
A: dix it's okay don't be shy
D: well it was really good and he was respectful and now I'm hor
I paused and started laughing and Addison laughed as well
A: your what huh dix
She said while laughing
D: well it felt good and now I want him again
I looked at the window laughing.

We had arrived in the city and we got out of the car, I said had 30 minutes till my doctors appointment. Me and Addison tried to stay hidden from the paparazzi. We walked into Starbucks and ordered coffee and filmed some tik toks in Starbucks. A few fans came up to us so we took photos with them and talked to them for a bit. Once we were done we walked down the street to the doctor and waited inside. "Hi I'm Dixie I have an appointment", the lady at the front desk smiled, "what's your last name beautiful" I smiled, it's damelio. "And how old are you" she asked while typing into her computer. I'm 18. "Thank you sweetie go sit down and the doctor will talk to you" I smiled and said thank you.

Me and Addison sat down and looked on the for you page. I turned around looking out the window and the paparazzi had found us. I told Addison and we put on our sun glasses. "Dixie" I heard the doctor call my name. Me and Addison stood up and followed the doctor into her room. "Hi I'm doctor Ella Summers" she shook me and Addison's hand. "" I'm Dixie and this is my friend Addison" we sat down.

Doc: doctor D: Dixie

Doc: so Dixie what did you need today
D: uhm I was hoping I could get birth control
Doc: yep sure I just have a few questions
Doc: age?
D: 18
Doc: full name?
D: Dixie Jane Damelio
Doc:  birthday?
D:10th of August 2001
Doc: awesome, and are you sexually active
D: yes
Doc: alright would you like to take them in pills?
D: yes that would be good thanks
She gave me pills for the next month and she told me I need to go to the pharmacy the next time I need them. I placed them in my bag and me and Addison walked out with our sun glasses on. We walked out the door and we were being flooded with questions. We were trying to walk and my bag got knocked and everything fell out including the birth control. I tried to cover it up but they had already seen it. I ran off laughing with Addison I was embarrassed but she made me feel better about the situation. We got into her car and she messaged Bryce then we drove on the highway back to the hype house.


N: hey baby girl I miss you heaps xx

D: hi cutie, omw home about 5 minutes away now ily xx

N: ilym xx

I started to type back to him, Addison stopped the car at a red light and we were waiting for it to go green.


The car behind us hit straight into the back of us. My head slammed into the dash board into the broken class and my head hit the back off my seat. My head was cut open from the broken metal that had got wrecked turned the crash. I touched the back of my head and looked at my hands and it was covered in blood. I looked at Addison and she looked bad, blood all over her face and head. She was pressing her phone trying to call someone.They pick up and Addison tired to say I love you to them but she was passing out fast and nothing was coming out. On the other side of the line there was a lot of yelling "addi are you okay" "I love you" "where are you" "where's Dixie" "shit".  "I love you dix" she said as her hand fell, "I love you too addi" I placed my hand on hers and everything went black.

Addison POV:

We were laughing as we ran back into the car, the paparazzi will probably make a good story about Dixie's birth control. We got into the car . I had a bad feeling about something so I messaged Bryce and told, him I would be home soon and I loved him. I started driving. We got onto the highway and Dixie was smiling texting Nick, we were about 5 minutes away from home and I stopped at a red light. My stomach was hurting a lot and I looked in my mirrors that's when a car crashed into the back of my car. My head smashed into the glass and I felt the blood running down my face, I tired to stay awake, I looked at Dixie and she looked like she was going to pass out. I grabbed my phone and tried to call bryce. Everything was going fuzzy and I was looking focus I heard him on the other line I tried to tell him I loved him but it was hard to come out, I heard yelling on the line but I zoned out and looked at Dixie I told her I loved her my hand dropped and everything went black.

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