hand in hand

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Chapter 8

we walk down the stairs hand in hand, I loved the feeling when he held my hand. He opened the car door me and I slid inside. He walked around the other side and got in. He turned on the car and off we went. I still wasn't used to LA it looked so different from where I used to live. I feel something warm rest on my thigh, I look down and see nicks hand, it felt nice. I place my hand onto of his and I saw him smile. Was I moving too fast, I don't know but this definitely felt very right.

Nick parked the car and we got out, as we were walking to dunkin he took my hand and held it. I held onto his arm while holding his hand and rested my head on his arm. We turned a corner and the the bright flashes started following us. my breathing started getting heavier I don't know if it was my anxiety but I started getting nervous. Nick noticed and he game me a reassuring hand squeeze.

N= Nick P= paparazzi

P:Nick, Nick, Nick can we ask you a few questions

Nick looked at me to make sure I was okay with it, I nodded at him and smiled

N: hey guys, how are all today
P: good nick how are you?
N: I'm good
P: so when is the new content coming out
N: most of it is a secret, but what I can tell you is look out for more videos on my YouTube channel.
P: thank you for your time nick, enjoy your day with your girl
N: cheers guys

I smiled at them and Nick continued to walk and he kissed me on my forehead.

We finally arrived at dunkin and we saw Charli and chase filming a tik tok, it was nice seeing Charli happy. I gave Charli a hug and she hugged me tighter.

C= Charli D= Dixie

C: hey dix
D: hey charls
C: so you and nick huh? *smiles*
D *blushes* yeah I think so, i don't know if it's a bad thing but I'm starting to really like him Charli. I just don't want to get hurt again. I wiped the tears running down my cheeks. *charli holds Dixie's hand*
C: Nick is a really good guy Dixie, if you like him go for it. Don't worry about griffin. You deserve to be happy.
D: thanks Charli, I love you.
C: I love you more

I turn and look at nick, him and chase are talking and he's smiling a lot.

C= chase N: Nick

C: so you and Dixie huh
N: *smiles* we are talking it slowly, she just got out of a serious relationship
C: she's a good girl nick.
N: I know I can just tell
N: in his mind: I'm falling for her a bit

We finish ordering and we sit down at a booth Charli and chase sit with each other sp me and nick sit opposites to them. We drink and talk and make a few tik toks. I felt nicks hand on my knee again which made me feel save. Nick and I got up to film a tik tok, it's adore you by Harry styles. He hugs me from behind and I look up at him. I could really stare at him all day long. He turns me around so I'm facing him and he lifts me up. At the last second and he kisses me. The kiss didn't go on for too long but it was soft and it make my heart warm. We sit back down with Charli and chase

C= Charli N= Nick Ch= chase D= Dixie

C: so dix I don't think I have told you this but we are going on a baecation tomorrow and we asked nick to come but since he didn't have someone at the time he didn't want to come to is it okay if you stay with him.
N: oh shit I forgot about that, who's going again?
Ch: Josh and Nessa, Addison and Bryce, Avani and Anthony, Kio and Olivia, Kovur and Alex, Me and Charli.
N: looks like it's just going to be me and Dixie again, he squeezes my thighs
D*smiles* that's not a bad thing.

20 minutes later

We head off and Charli and chase go off to a meeting before they come back to the house. Me and nick walk hand in hand back to his car. We get back to the house and I walk in and see Addison on the couch with a guy, I'm guessing that he's Bryce. I give nick a quick kiss on the cheek and walk over to see Addison.

A= Addison D= Dixie B= Bryce

D: hey Addi
A: oh hi dix, this is Bryce my boyfriend
D*smiles* it's nice to meet you
B: nice to meet you too dixie, is nick anywhere.

I hear nick call out to Bryce from the kitchen " in here loser" Bryce laughs

B: I will give you two some girly time, *kisses addison*
D: he's nice addi
A: yeah he is, so how are you feeling
D: so much more better, nick has helped a lot
A: *smiles* hehe I knew you too would get along
D: he's been so amazing too me, and I'm starting to fall for him
A: aw dix, that's so sweet

Me and Addison talk for at least two hours and we become really good friends. I get up and give Addison a hug. I run upstairs to find nick. I knock on his door and open it. He was laying on the bed without his shirt on. I walk over to him and straddle him. I missed you, I said too him. He smiles and holds my hips. I missed you more angel. He pulled me in for a kiss.

I get off him and cuddle next to him with my head resting on his chest. I pull my phone out and look on Instagram. My followers increased by so much. I was at 900k already. I scroll through my feed than I see a photo of me and nick kissing in dunkin. I click on the post and it was a big Hollywood news reporting account. Under the photo the caption read; Nick Austin is now off the market ladies. He was seen earlier today in Hollywood with one of the damelio sisters Dixie. They were very close and held each other tightly. We ship this hard. Wheather they are dating of not they are so cute.

I didn't like much attention online but when I was with him I was a different person, he made me a happier and different person. I looked at him and looked at me. I kissed him passionately. Until we both fell asleep.

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