personal quarantine

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Chapter 47

For the next 15 weeks, I really got to take a break for myself, I wasn't gonna tell my followers till I reached around 20 weeks when we found out the gender of our little angel.

I started writing new songs and designing new things while staying at home. I kept updating my Instagram with older photos and photos from the belly up so nobody could find out anything.

I did lots of reading as well I had always loved to read, but I was always so busy and couldn't really keep up with it. I always loved a good romance book and a good true crime book they were always my favourites.

My mom and dad always came to visit me and charli, and my mom wanted to be around for my first pregnancy which made me happy. She was always helping me out with everything.

Whenever I needed to go out so it looked like I hadn't died, I had to wear an oversized hoodie as after 10 weeks I was starting to get a little bump.

Me and Nick would always go to the beach, it was one of our favourite places to go and we would just spend hours there. Either cuddling, talking or doing the dirty. Sometimes we would go swimming, or sometime I would just read to him, Nick had always loved me reading to him. It relaxed him and he would just spend hours listening to me read. He wasn't a big reader but he enjoyed listening. We just enjoyed it being us two and of course our little one. Nick would always play the guitar and I would write my music.

Charli and I were spending more and more time together, she really took care of me like she did when we were little, I would feel bad sometimes as she's the little sister and I'm the one that's meant to look after and protect her but she has always been the one to protect and look after me. We had always been close and she meant the world to me. Her and Chase were doing really well they had bed together since she was 15 and he was 17, for a while they had a really tough time but they pushed through together.

During this time, I got to watch Levi grow and grow and watch Addison and Bryce be parents to him. Watching Addison and Bryce be parents was really the sweetest thing. Addison is such a kindhearted down to earth person and the way she looked after him was precious. And Bryce has changed over the last couple year. He's not so crazy anymore and he's really taken his dad job seriously and his husband job seriously as well. He still does YouTube but it's changed into one of those family YouTube channels.

And then me and Nick were stronger than ever, after that thing that happened 2 years ago he never left me again and he kept his promise strong. He's the most loving and supportive boyfriend, he's my soulmate and the love of my life and I can't wait to continue my life with him.


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