baby fever

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Chapter 34

(Dixie's Instagram feed)

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(Dixie's Instagram feed)

One month later:

I woke up in nicks arms again, I had almost being doing it for a year and it still feels surreal to me, everything feels unreal and crazy to me still, I mean I met the love of my life and my best friends, I had started a modeling contract, me and Charli were coming out with a makeup line together. My life finally felt perfect, my parents came to visit me and charli in LA for a few weeks over the summer and I was turning 19 in a few weeks to come. I had hit 30 million on Tik Tok, I hadn't heard from Griffin since the party incident a few months ago but apparently he's got a girl friend now, I just hope them all the best, especially her.

"Hey baby girl" Nick said to me as he kissed my lips softly

"Good morning lover" I smiled as I moved his bed head out of his face

"You look cute in the mornings dix" he laughed while looking at my messy bed head

"Go away" I giggled as he started to tickle me

"What are you doing today baby" he asked while laying on my chest

"I have a photo shoot today, and then me and charli have to go sign a few things for the makeup label"

"Cool, do you need help with anything"

"No it should be all good lover, well actually you can help me in the shower" I winked at him and rolled out of bed and into the bathroom

"I'm coming beautiful" he ran and closed the bathroom door

*30 minutes later*

I got out of the shower and looked at my phone on the counter, it was blowing up with messages from the group chat.


Ness💕: guys I'm crying I don't know what to do

Mads💘: what's wrong love?

Char💗: Nessa bae what's wrong?💞

Ness💕: well I need to tell you guys something

Av💖: are you okay beb?

Addi💞: shit do you need anything
                are you and josh okay?

Ness💕: can you guys come over to
           mine and joshes?

me: shit sorry, I was in the shower I'm coming
    As soon as I can, I promise I will be there soon love

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