seeing him again

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Chapter 49

March 25th

I was 48 weeks and pregnant much bigger than a beach ball but I was still feeling super active. Me and Addison decided to go into LA today and do some shopping before baby girl comes. Levi was 14 months old which is so unreal to me, my little boy was growing up.

I got up and and Nick had left me a note this morning because him and Bryce had gone out with the rest of the boys.

I got ready and walked down stairs and down into the car with Addison and Levi.

We shopped around for a bit, and that's when I saw him, he was across the mall sitting at a table with a beautiful girl, and he was holding a little baby and she was holding a little baby. It made me smile. Before I could walk off he noticed me, griffin came running up to me.

"Dix wait"

I waited for him

"Hey griff"

"Hey dix, I just wanted to apologise for everything I put you through. It took years of maturing but I really am sorry"

"Griff, it's okay. If everything didn't happen I wouldn't have met the love of my life"

I hugged him, well tried too at least my bump was in the way

"Congrats as well dix, your beautiful"

"Thanks griff, who's the lucky girl"

"Oh that's my wife, Erika"

"She's gorgeous griff"

"She really is"

"And who are the little ones"

"Oh our little twin babies, Lexi and Jayden"

"I would love to meet them griff"

"Of course come now"

We sat down at the table and I got to meet griffins wife Erika and the little babies.

"So I should probably explain myself"

"Griff its okay really"

"No dix, please"

I smiled

"So after the party, I left to go back home. I focused on myself and becoming a better person for a while. Then Erika moved across from my apartment. I liked her straight away, and I was certain about my feelings even more when we both did the same nursing course. We got closer and then we dated for a while, we got married and then not long after that we had our little ones. I told Erika everything about us and how I messed up and she still loved me"

I smiled "I'm so happy for you griff, I really am"

"Thanks dix, happy for you as well. Congrats on the baby girl by the way"

"Thanks griff, anyways I better get back home to Nick"

"Of course, talk to you later dix"

I hugged them and walked back and met up with Addison

"You know dixie, your the most kind hearted person I know" Addison said while shopping

March 26

I woke up in Nicks arms and the sun shining on my face. My head my pounding. I cuddled up to Nick to try get back to sleep. He kissed my forehead

"Are you okay baby?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's okay dix, are you okay. You look like your gonna cry"

"My head is just pounding"

He kissed my head and started rubbing my back.

I woke up not even 20 minutes later in pain

"Baby what's wrong"

"I think it's contractions"

Nick sat me up and rubbed my back

"Addison" he called out

Addison ran into the room and she knew what was going on

"Do you need anything Dix"

"I'm good addi"

This happened the whole day lots of stopping and pausing during contractions, I wasn't gonna go to the hospital till my water broke or I was in a lot of pain because I knew there wasn't much they could do for me.


I was on the couch cuddling with Nick and Addison and Bryce were cuddling with Levi asleep in Addison arms. We were watching the new season of outer banks as we watched the first one together. Nicks arm was around my belly and he was softly rubbing it.

All three of them were being super supportive, whenever I would have a contraction, they would stop the tv and nick would hold me and Addison and Bryce would help out.

"Dix, I reckon she will be here tomorrow" Bryce said while eating the popcorn

I laughed, "why's that"

"Just a gut feeling"

Before I could say anything another contraction came, I sat up and Nick held onto me and kissed my head. Bryce took Levi from Addison and took him to his nursery and he ran and got some water for me. And Addison rubbed my belly.

3am, 27 of March

We had fallen asleep on the couch and I woke up and I felt like I had peed myself, I woke up Addison.



"You okay dix"

"I think I peed myself

"Dix, I think your water broke love" she got up and turned on the lights

Bryce and Nick woke up and we told them what happened and Nick ran and got the hospital bags ready from the bedroom. Bryce helped me into the car and I sat in the back with Nick and Levi on the side. And Bryce drove with Addison by his side. It was like a repeat of what happened to Addison. And before I knew it I was being hooked up to hospital cords in bed.

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