just me and you

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Chapter 10

hi y'all before we start I want to introduce another couple main characters;

Avani (19)



Nick and I walk inside the house, there were all these people I had never seen before, I had seen them on Charlis Instagram but that was it. Everyone waved at me and nick and he wrapped is arms around me. A girl and a boy walked up to us, you could tell they were a couple by the way she pulled him to come over to us. "Hey bestfriend" she says to nick and she gives him a hug, I smile. She looks at me and says "aw hi bebe I'm avani, and you must be Dixie, nick talks about you a lot." I smile and giggle and I look up at nick who was looking at me. Avani then introduces me to a boy standing behind her holding on to her waist, this is Anthony, he's my boyfriend. He smiles and says "it's nice to meet you dixie." They walk away and start talking to more people. I see a lot more couples in the room, me and nick walk over to Charli and chase. Charli is sitting on the counter and chase is in between her legs hugging her. They are talking to a beautiful blonde girl. Before I could see who she was. Nick started tickling me from behind and I turned around and laugh. He kissed my forehead and put his strong hands on my waist. He lifted me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I noticed heaps of eyes turn to us and we laugh and he carries me into and onto the kitchen bench. He places me next too Charli while still holding on to me. He turns to chase and gives him a handshake and I gave Charli a hug while nick moves his hands down to my thighs. I shiver at his touch. I finally see the beautiful blonde girl. Wow she was gorgeous. She smiles at me and I smile back "hey im daisy, and I'm guessing you charlis sister Dixie." I smile back yep that's me. We talk to a bit more, until everyone else needs to go. I hug Charli, I'm going miss you bae. She smiles " I gonna miss you more angel". I hug her tighter. I can feel my period emotions coming. My eyes start to water up. She notices and hugs me tighter. "It's only going to be a week, and you get to spend it with nick" I smile and let go of her and I kiss her on the forehead. Be safe okay I love you, " I love you to dix". I walk over to Addison. "Hey addi, stay safe , I'm gonna miss you. She hugs me" I'm gonna miss you more dix" I smile ever since I have come into this house you have been my best friend. Thank you I love you. "Aw did I love you too, my best friend always." Addison and Bryce left. Even thought me and Addison had met a few days ago, she was super sweet and she was like the best friend I never had.  Everyone had left and me and nick were left in the house. He walks up behind me and wraps his hands around my waist. "So it's just you and me" he says as he moves my hair to one side of my shoulder. He slowly starts to kiss my neck, it felt so nice. I turn around and look at him. I hold his face and he pushes me back onto the poor. Locking me in his comfort "Dixie you are beautiful baby" he kisses me hard like his life depended on this kiss. I kiss him back harder. I needed air but he had fully taken over my body. He pulls away "wow, that was the best kiss of my life" he smirks. I open my arms out wide and he gives me a big hug. He made me feel so special. I starts to tickle me again and I laugh so hard. I lifts me up again and carries me up the stairs. He drops me onto the bed and asks "do you wanna go for a swim" and smile at him and agree to go in the pool with him. I change into a pink bikini and I walk downstairs. Nick is in the kitchen on his phone. His defined abs looked so good from here. "Admiring the view" he laughed. I laugh, cocky bastard. He smiles and gives me a light kiss on the lips. He grabs my hand and we walk outside down the stairs to the pool. We jumps into the pool and is slowly walk down the stairs, he pops us from under the water and reaches out his hand and I grab it. It looks my body up and down. "Wow your gorgeous" I blush and look down at the water. He leaves a soft kiss on my stomach and then continues to trail all the way up to he reaches my boob, he pulls me into the water and holds onto my waist I wrap my legs around him. He looks at me for approval to keep kissing me and I nod. I kisses my upper boob and continues up to my neck, he kisses my nick and I can feel tingles fun throughout my whole body. He kisses my lips and I can feel his tongue slip inside my mouth. His tounge played around with mine as we never broke the kiss. He pull back and I rested my head on his chest as we were in the water still. He kissed my forehead and we just chilled in the pool for a few hours just talking to each other. I was starting to feel so comfortable with him and and it felt like we were in a real relationship. Not once did I think about griffin. I remember falling asleep in his arms again. I don't remember much but I remember waking up inside laying on nick. He was just scrolling through tik Tok. I sat up and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around him. He looked surprised which was cute. I kissed him and then I got up and went up stairs. I will be back soon baby I said and he smiled. I went into my room and got changed into some little shorts and a Calvin Klein bra, I then went into nicks room and got one of his jumpers. I heard yelling from downstairs so I ran and I didn't even put my jumper on. I looked off the second floor indoor balcony that looked down at the main entrance and the living room. I saw this girl yelling at nick

S:Stacy n:nick

N: wtf are you doing here
S: nick take my back please
N: Stacy what the hell

I thought to myself who tf is this Stacy and why is she trying to take nick from me. I felt this rage and anger in my body and I felt a fire set alight in my body. I controlled myself and continued to watch from upstairs.

S: nick come on stop being a dick
N: Stacy we ending months ago and you know what you did to me
S: nick don't mention that it happened a while ago
N: stop Stacy you can't say that. What you did hurt me and it effected me. I loved you and you did that. You brought guys around to our house and slept with them in our bed that's not cool.t

I could tell nick was getting upset so I dropped my jumper and started to walk down the stairs

That's when I made eye contact with her

S: nick who is this, why tf is there another girl here
N: turned around and looked at me and smiled, that's my girl
D: well hi I'm dixie
S: bitch i don't care who your ugly ass is but why are you with my mans

I know that it wasn't true but sometimes when people say thing I get really hurt because of my childhood and during high school. I take a deep breath and continue to walk down the stairs

D: I think you should leave

Nick looked broken, and it hurt me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug and a soft kiss on the lips.

S: ugh ew fine, but this isn't the late time you will see me

I rolled my eyes and stuck the middle finger at her. I locked the door and I looked at nick. He looked hurt. I went up to him and hugged him. I reassured him. Nick baby don't listen to her, she's just an irrelevant toxic ex. I'm here now. I don't expect you to tell me about her right now. But I'm here now and you only need me. I kiss him. He smiles and says " Dixie damelio are the strongest and most gorgeous woman I have met and now your mine"

my one and only.|| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now