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chapter 14

we get to the place and Bryant gets out of the car and takes a few photos of the view. Nick holds my hand as we walk over to Bryant. He starts recording something for his Instagram story

B: I'm here with these two love birds shooting at this beautiful spot, he turns and shows the view of the city.

Nicks holding onto me as we wave at Bryant's Instagram video. He starts to take photos of us. Nick lets me go first.

D: so what did you want me to do
B: just act natural and try different poses and I will see what works

I started posing and nicks facial reactions were the cutest things, we tried a few different poses and until Bryant found a few that worked well with me.

B: Dixie do you model
D: no I don't
N: she should she's gorgeous

I blush and look down

B: I think you should try you would be good at it, I can get you started if you want

Nick looked at me and nodded his head, I smiled.

D: I would love too thank you so much

We swapped over and nick was taking his photos. And wow he was beautiful. And he was mine. What did I do to deserve this. Nick had finished and Bryant took photos of me and nick together. He wrapped his hands around my shoulders and I held on tight. He rested his head on my shoulder. We had finished the shoot with Bryant and he posted on this Instagram


Bryant: shooting these love birds today🥺  @nickaustin @dixiedamelio

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Bryant: shooting these love birds today🥺  @nickaustin @dixiedamelio


@dixiedamelio: baby💘
@nickaustin: baby girl💖
@charlidamelio: hi cuties
@addisoneasterling: my best friends do be cute doe
@lilhuddy: favourites
@randomfan101: awww they are so cute

We went back to Bryant's house and we order Chinese. He put on a movie while we were eating and he started to edit his photos. Me and nick just cuddled on the couch.

nicks pov

I looked down as Dixie, I was cuddling with her and I held her so tight. She was perfect in every way, every freckle on her face, the way her smiled looked, the way her laughed sounded, it was perfect and she was perfect. Her messy bun was perfect and the way she looked in my clothes was sexy. The way she kissed me made me feel a new feeling I had never felt before. She was perfect and I want to make it official with her.

Back to Dixie

Bryant told us he was gonna go finish editing his photos which took about an hour. Nick was looking at me, he looked happy. I turned around to face him while I was still laying down. I put my hands on his chest and he continued to look down at me without breaking eye contact. I hold onto his face and he leans down and kisses me. He kissed me softly. And he held me tight. He never broke the kiss. He moved down to my neck and started leaving hickeys all over. It felt so good. I held onto him tight. I was scratching the back of his hair. He slowly lifted off my jumper and he looked at me to make sure I was okay with it. It exposed the shirt I was wearing today, and he lifted that shirt off as well. I was left in my bralette. I felt a little bit insecure I was happy with my body but not like this around boys. I barley showed griffin my body. Nick looked at me up and down and then he looked into my eyes, he could tell I felt insecure, Your beautiful baby, your body is perfect. I smiled and I kissed him, I felt hungry for his lips and I needed his lips. That's when he started kissing my neck again he slowly started to go down to my chest, and the finally reached my boobs, he gave them hickeys softly. He held my thigh tight and kept squeezing it to make sure I was okay. He took of his jumper exposing his abs which I was getting used to look at them which I wasn't complaining. I slowly touch his abs and i gave him goose bumps. He holds on to me and as I slowly kiss him, he lets me take full control, he lays flat on his back and I sit on top of him. He holds on to my ass as I start to kiss him and he kisses me back strongly. He somehow flips me over and now I'm under his body and he did it without breaking the kiss. We break the kiss, and with his finger tips he draws along the curves of my body which makes me shiver to the touch of his fingers. " your gorgeous baby" I smile. Nick gives me so much confidence in myself and I really adore him for that. I put his jumper back on and he puts his back on and he holds me until I fall asleep.

Nicks POV:

wow I didn't know she had that in her, she was so beautiful without even trying, she slowly started to fall asleep and I just held her tightly and didn't let go once. Bryant came into the room and we talked for a bit.

B: Nick I can tell your really happy
N: I am bro, she makes me the happiest
B: I'm glad you deserve that
N: I glad you approve, you were there for me during my last break up and I appreciate you heaps
B: anytime bro I love you
N: I love you more bro, I better take my girl home
B: yeah dude no problem, I was thinking of setting you and Dixie up with Calvin kelvin, I know a few people
N: that would be good, I'm sure dix would love that

Bryant walked me and Dixie out of the house, I was holding Dixie to make sure that she wouldn't wake up. I placed her in her seat and I kissed her head softly. When we got back to the hype house I got Dixie out of her seat and I walked her up the stairs. I placed her in bed and took off her jumper so she's more comfortable. I took of my shirt and jumped into bed with her. I kissed for forehead and fell asleep.

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