2 years later

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Chapter 40

2 years later

I'm finally 21, but before we talk about this I should probably catch up on what has happened the last two years of my life

My modeling career and makeup line really took off just before I turned 19, Charli hit 100 million followers on tiktok just before her 17th birthday, (now she's 19) and her followers are still growing till this day. I finally met Nicks mom and little brother and they are the sweetest people I have ever met. Nicks father came back into his life and it took nick a while to forgive him but he did and so did his mother and brother.

Nessa and Josh had there beautiful baby boy named Mason Richards, he was such a blessing to everyone when he was born. Nessa started her music career and it blew off, and Josh went back to school to study business. Then my best friend Kio and Olivia got pregnant not long after Nessa was in her third trimester, it was harder for them as she was in the peak of her new modeling career but she wouldn't change there baby boy Archie Cyr for the world, he looks exactly like Kio.

Charli and Chase are still going strong, even after a little bit of trouble, but I guess that's the same with everyone. Bryce proposed to Addison just after I turned 20 and they are getting married very soon, I'm so happy for them. Addison is also pregnant and 2 weeks away from her due date. Mads and Jaden are also doing well, they got married at the end of Christmas two years ago, it was less than 50 people that attended, Jaden and his music is going well and mads is a mental health therapist and she helps with body imagine and all that.

And then there's Nick and I, I'm even more in love with him then the first day I saw him, I still get nervous when I see him and still get butterflies in my stomach when he talks to me, and I never get sick of waking up next to him, we still have the same spark as we did when I first moved to The Hype House.

Also that reminds me, Addison, Bryce, Nick and I moved into open big house together, it was hard leaving the hype house but we do always go and visit because charli and chase are still there. I also started my music career which I was a bit nervous about but Im glad I did. A lot can change after two years, I'm just glad things have changed for the better

Current time:

"Hello this is Dixie Damelio speaking, yep we should have a shared pallet coming soon. Yes me and Addison are free you can come around anytime today. Perfect thank you"

So a lot has changed over the two years, and my career has really grown. My line with charli was a success and another makeup company has asked Addison and I to start a new line which is crazy.

"Addi" I called down as I walked across the house

"Dix, me and Bryce are in the kitchen" she called back

I walked into the kitchen and Addison was baking cookies while Bryce was filming for his channel.

"So we have to sign a contract and talk about our pallet today, is that okay?"

"Yeah dix that's perfect"

We finished our meeting and we got our pallet me and Addison were so happy with the colour turnout. Addison and Bryce went out for lunch and I waited for Nick to get home.

His parents and little brother Ryder moved to LA, his mom and dad are trying to work out everything. His father had a reason for leaving and they were going to a family therapy. I was proud of him for going and him and his dad were starting to get along and makeup for lost time.

I was sitting on our couch, we had build't the house in a way that was made for two couples. Addison and Bryce had the bottom level and me and nicks room was at the top with our living room, a studio and another two bedrooms. At the bottom Addison and Bryce had there room and a mini lounge room, then our offices were downstairs as well as the kitchen, another two bedrooms and another lounge room near the opening. So all together the house had 6 bedrooms with 5 bathrooms.

I was waiting on the lounge near the front entrance for Nick to come home, when I heard him come through the door I jumped up and ran to the door.

"Hi baby girl" he said as I jumped into his arms

"Hi lover, I missed you"

"It was good baby"

I kissed him and he held onto me.

"How was your morning dix" he said as he carried me into the kitchen and set me onto the bench

"It was good, I just took business calls"

"That's good baby, let me make you some lunch"

"Thank you lover"

Nick started making me lunch and we just talked, even through we had been together for almost 3 years we always had something new to talk about.

We sat down and ate lunch together, we had been doing this a lot lately. We were still influencers and it was still a lot of work but I loved my job, and I loved my life and my best friends.

"Lover, can we go see Mason, and Arch"

"Of course baby, I was see my little nephews"

I quickly ran upstairs to go get ready

I quickly ran upstairs to go get ready

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We walked downstairs and headed over to josh and nessa house, we knocked on the door and josh answered. "Hey little goose" josh said as he hugged me, "hey brother" he said after he hugged Nick.

I walked into the house and I saw nessa and mason in the living room playing. Mason was around 1 and a half now.

"Hey ness" I said as I hugged her

"Hey dix, I missed you"

"Hey mas", I ran up to him and picked him up

"Holy shit ness, he's so big now.

Nick and Josh came into the room and Nick walked over and gave mas a little hug.
"Do you guys want a drink" nessa asked while walking into the kitchen

"Sure bae, anything is fine"I called back

I sat down on the couch and nick sat next to me holding Mason, and I cuddled with him.

Nessa came back with the drinks and cuddled with josh on the other side

"So when is Nixie gonna become parents" josh asked

"You guys would be cute as parents" nessa laughed

"We have talked about it, but we are going with the flow" I said while smiling

I still really wanted to have kids with Nick but we just had to wait for the right time to have kids.

2 hours later

We left after and we headed over to Olivia and Kio's house to go see Archie. When we made it to the house Liv was out going shopping but Archie and Kio were inside. We talked to Kio for a bit and then we headed home after a while.

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