Did he really even love me

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hii angels, before we start the chapter we are going to introduce a new character

Addisons boyfriend, Bryce hall (20)

Addisons boyfriend, Bryce hall (20)

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Chapter 5

Feeling his hot body against my legs felt so good, I felt is abs and wow he was fit. I was so distracted by him I didn't realise he was talking to me. That's when we lifted me off the bench and put me over his shoulder. I was laughing uncontrollably, the most I had laughed in months. He threw me onto the bed and quickly ran downstairs. my heart was beating outside of my chest. I looked around his room. It had those LED strip lights going around the whole room, it's bed was so big and the sheets were black. He had a a large tv hanging off his wall. Before I noticed he ran into the room and jumped onto the bed and he had brought a lot of snacks. Lollies chocolate chips. He turned on the tv and put on Netflix. He looks at me as I sink into his bed surround by food. "So what do you wanna watch" I looked at him and said maybe we can watch that new show sex education. he searches it up and puts the first episode on. He grabs out his phone and orders take out.

We were just laying in his bed and watching the first episode. It was innocent and nothing happened. It was only 7pm and the food had arrived nick quickly ran down stairs and brought the food up. I sat up and he came and sat back down. He pulled out the food, we ordered In and Out.

After food we just sat there talking, that's when nick brought him up again, I didn't mind because the more I talked about it the more I was going to be okay. I took a deep breath and started telling nick the whole story

*flash back 2 years*

"Griffin I'm home" I dropped my bag and walked around our apartment looking for him. I walked into the bedroom but he didn't hear me come in. I heard him talking to a female on the phone. "It's okay baby we can see each other on Friday, I love you" griffin said as he got off the phone. I was frozen in my tracks and I couldn't move or scream or cry I couldn't even get angry. I didn't understand what I did wrong. He saw me and acted like nothing happened so I tried to forget what happened. When I brought it up the next day he turned me down and said I was crazy and he didn't know what I was talking about.

*current time*

Nick held me tight, " you didn't deserve that Dixie, why didn't you walk away" I looked at him and put my hand on his chest, I thought about it for a second, I finally said. I think it was because he was my first love and he was the only boy I had been with so I didn't think anyone else could like or love me as much as him, but thinking about it now I guess he didn't actually love me." I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, I just sat in bed with nick and cried it out as he hugged me and tried to calm me down. He kissed my forehead and told me everything was going to be okay. The last thing I remember what him whispering in my ear " I got you beautiful and I'm never letting go" then I fell asleep on his chest as he held me.

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