My One and Only

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Chapter 50 (final chapter)


I sat in the hospital bed ready to give birth to my first baby, and I was excited, Nick held onto my hand tightly,

"I love you Dix"

"I love you to baby" I smiled

"We are going to be parents soon my love" he smiled and kissed my forehead

"your gonna be the best dad" I smiled through the pain

"and your gonna be the best mom" he said while rubbing my hair

everyone was waiting in the waiting room, Nessa, Addison and Olivia had been through birth before so they helped me get ready and calm down, I was excited to start a family with Nick, our little baby girl will bring light into our lives and we already love her so much.

The doctor walked into the room and started preparing everything, I started to get anxious

"your gonna do fine baby, look how far you have already come my love, remember when we first met, we were both broken, but now we are having our first baby, I'm so proud of you Dixie, your my one and only"

"i love you always"

Nick was right, when i first met him, i was going through heart break and then he saved me, i found my soulmate, the one that I'm going to be with for the rest of my life, the man I'm going to marry, the father of my child, i have come far from the beginning, and i wouldn't change anything for the world.

"Alright, your baby girl is ready to make an entrance to the world" the doctor said while smiling

nick held my hand, i was ready for this new step in life.

30 minutes later

"one last push dixie, your doing so well" the doctors said

"come on baby, you got it" nick said while tears were in his eyes

"congrats Dixie and Nick, your beautiful baby girl is here"

i was overwhelmed with joy and happiness, they passed me my baby and me and nick looked at her

"beautiful, you're beautiful" i whispered to her

Nick kissed my forehead, "I'm so proud of you Dix"

"i love you Nick"

"i love you baby"

The doctors cleaned her off and did everything they needed to do, and they helped me with everything i needed to do, i couldn't wait to look at her again.

"alright, lets decide on a name my love" Nick said while holding onto my hand

"what do you think my love?"

"shes beautiful, she has both our features" Nick said while smiling

"what about Bella?"

"it means beautiful, so it fits"

"are you sure you like it love?"

"of course I do dixie"

i smiled, what about her middle name?

"what about Marie, after our moms?"

"that's beautiful Nick"

he kissed my lips softly

"so Bella Marie Austin" i smiled, the name made me happy

"sounds perfect"

3 hours later

my one and only.|| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now