pool full of tears

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Chapter 4

Me and Charli went back inside, " I'm going to grab a bikini do you need one" Charli asked me. No I don't I'm pretty sure I packed one. charli told me to wait for her at the stairs, she walked out and closed the door behind her. I took a deep breath and opened up my unorganised suitcase. I pulled out my crazy amount of clothes and I found a bikini to wear. I grab on of griffins old tee shirts and I start crying. I fall down too my knees and sob. He hurt me but I'm still crying over him. The tee shirt still had his smell, I had known that scent for years. I stopped my crying and put the tee shirt back into my suitcase. I changed into my white bikini and then put on my tee Charli had given me for Christmas. It was over sized and tie dye. I would wear it all the times I would miss her while I was away.

I grabbed my phone and sun glasses and walked down the hall to the main set of stairs, I walked down and saw Charli waiting in the kitchen with a beautiful blonde girl. She was everything I wanted to be, she was gorgeous, her laugh was so cute and her smile could make anyone smile. Nick and her must be a thing I thought to myself. I don't blame him either shes stunning. I heard Charli call my name across the room I smiled and walked over. I got closer and she was even more beautiful closer up. "Dix this is Addison" Addison gives me a big and needed hug and says " you must be Dixie, it's nice to finally meet you, your gorgeous." I smile and thank her, I complement her back and we all walk outside the door to the pool.
The boys are still being silly in the pool, we put our stuff down. Charli jumps straight in but I wait on the side of the pool. Addison comes and sits down with me

(A= Addison D=Dixie)

A: so what brings a gorgeous girl like you to LA
D: well my boyfriend cheated on me so I decided to come here for a bit

I could feel nicks eyes looking at me as soon as I said it, I felt embarrassed.

A: I'm so sorry dix, I didn't know.
*addison hugs dixie*

As she hugs me, I hug her tighter. I can feel my eyes heating up as I try to hold back my tears from spilling out in front of everyone. I contain myself from crying.

D: thank you I needed that
A: it's okay b, Anytime

I look at nick and take a deep breath, I straight up ask Addison, "do you have a boyfriend" she looks at me and blushes. "Well no many people know but yeah" I was holding my breath hoping she wouldn't say nicks name, I know that is bitchy but I feel something towards him, but it's too early too tell. "His name is Bryce hall" I let go of my breath and she continues to tell me about it.

*10 minutes later*

Charli and chase are in the pool together with nick, and me and Addison are still talking. Her phone rings and she picks up and takes it.

(A=addison B=Bryce, I will introduce him in the next episode"

A: hey baby
B: hi beautiful girl, I was wondering if yo I wanted to go out tonight.
A: yeah sure I would love too.
B: see you soon beautiful, I love you
A: I love you too

*call ends*

I smile at Addison as she is going pink in her cheeks, "she smiles and says I will talk to you later dix once I'm home."  Before she leaves to go inside I ask her to put her number in my phone so I can call her whenever. She agrees and leaves. Charli calls me to jump into the pool, I slid in and swim over towards her, nick and chase. She says that her and chase are going out tonight and she asked me if it would be okay. Of course I agreed I wouldn't wanna ruin her fun. "Nick is going to be home all night" I smile at him and he smiles back at me. Charli and chase get out and it's just me and the beautiful sexy Nick Austin left in the pool.

He swims closer to me and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach forming

Nicks POV

she's so beautiful, the water droplets running down her face make me want to hold on to her and never let go. watching her cry hurt me and I don't know why, I met this girl half an hour ago.

Back to Dixie

Nick came really close to me, I wanted to wrap my legs around his waist and never let go of him. I'm still hurt over my break up but I guess it is time to move on slowly. I smile and ask him what he's looking at. He looks down and bites his lip. It sent shivers down my spine. He replied with "just admiring your beautiful face" I look down at my reflection in the water and smile.

(D=Dixie N= nick)

N= I heard you and Addison talking before, what happened with your ex
D=* I take a deep breath*
D= well yesterday I caught my boyfriend with another girl and I guess I'm sick of jphis cheating on me all the time, so I left and this is where Charli is so this is why I'm here

I look down as a cheer rolls down my cheek, nick reaches his hand out and and wipes my tear away with his thumb.

N: don't cry beautiful, you deserve better than that.

He grabs my hand underwater and gives it a reassuring squeeze, some how we had driffted to the wall. I felt my back against the wall and he was closer than ever. He oooks into my eyes and puts on arm against the wall blocking from moving on one side. He uses the other hand to move the hair in my face and put it behind my ear. He then move that hand to the side of my face and holds it. He smiles and whispers in my ear. If I was your boyfriend I would never let go a beautiful girl like you, I promise you that.

I don't know who gave the balls but I wrapped my legs around his waist making us closer than ever, I put my hands on his face and then around his shoulders. He kisses my forehead and lifts me up and out of the pool. I sit on the wall as I watch him push himself out of the pool. I want his body onto of mine right now. I spins me around and reaches his arms out and helps me jump up. We grab our stuff and walk inside. The house was dead quiet because me and nick were home alone. Usually there is around 20 people in the house Charli was saying but everyone's at events. Charli left me a note on the bench say how she was going to be back later and she loved me.
I felt someone's hands wrap around me from behind and when I turn around it's nick. He lifts me up onto the bench and asks what I wanna do.

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