Welcome to your new home

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Chapter 4

I looked out my window, it was so much more different from where I lived before. The rush was more faster, it was crowded and it was bigger than ever. I turned my head and look at Charli and chase, I'm glad my sister is happy she deserves it. Charli turned her head to me " dix is this tik tok okay to post?" I look down at her phone and it was the on of me surprising her. I smile and say yes. She adds a caption and then asks for my tik tok add. I tell her that I don't have tik tok and Charli and chase look at me. Charli grabs my phone from my hand and downloads the app. She really is a crazy girl.

She finishes setting up my account " and done @dixiedamelio is gonna be tik tok famous" I laugh and roll my eyes at her. Charli tags me and uploads the tik tok. The second she posted it my phone started to blow up. Not gonna lie I was overwhelmed from it, I turned the notifications off as my phone was literally gonna blow up.

We arrive at the house and chase grabs my stuff out of the car, it's so big I can't believe I'm gonna live here now. Charli grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs she opens the door and we wait for chase to catch up. We walk inside the house and that's when I see him, he was hot, the way he smiled and looked at me. The way his hair looked and how his abs were perfectly defined on his body. I regain focus when Charli yells "Nick Austin get your ass upstairs and put on a shirt" chase laughs.

Nicks POV

Charli and Chase has gone out this morning to pick up charlis sister, they got home so I walked down the stairs, I waited on the stairs that's when she turned around and smiled. She was beautiful, I swear to god she was an angel. I was breathtaken. Her body, her face, her smile jut everything about this girl was perfect. This beautiful girl is gonna be living in our house and I have to contain myself, lord help me please, the next thing I hear is Charli yelling at me to get a shirt on but I can't move. I focus again but I walk down the stairs, hey I'm Nick.

Dixie's POV

His sexy self was walking down the stairs "hey I'm nick" I couldn't talk he was beautiful. Hi I'm Dixie nice to meet you. Charli asks me if I want too see my room, I agree and walk up the stairs, I can't help but too look back down at him and he was still looking at me, my heart melted. Chase and nick ran off and started pushing each other, what typical boys do. We made it too the room, "this used to be my room but now me and chase share" Charli says as she pushes the door open to a big and beautiful room. Thanks charls I say as I put my stuff down onto the bed. " all good Dixie, me and chase are on the other side of the house but nick is next door to you" as soon as Charli said his name all I could think about was his face and his perfect body. "Dixie hello? Are you okay" I stop day dreaming and nod my head and smile. She takes me out onto the balcony, "your room connects to nicks from the balcony."

Me and Charli look down and see Nick push Chase into the pool then he jumps in. They both laugh and me and Charli start laughing. They look up and chase shouts. Come join us guys.

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