What i need

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Chapter 6

I wake up still in nicks arms, I admire his perfect face as he sleeps peacefully. I try to turn over to check the time. "5am". SHIT it's 5am. I try to wake up nick as I need to go see if charli and chase is home. Nick doesn't wake up and so I pull my phone out.

*3 new messages from charli*

C;hey dix me and chase aren't coming home tonight we will be back tmw afternoon
C; I hope nick doesn't kill you, I saw the way you looked at each other;)
C; anyways I love you<3

I smile, she's a crazy girl. I open my tik tok and I already have 100k followers without posting anything. I read the comments on the post;

*tik tok comments*
@ilovecharli123; omg that's so cute dixie is so pretty
@charliisbae: they are so gorgeous
@huddyanddamelio; why have we never seen her before wow🤩🥺🥰

I smile, and put my phone back down next to me. I look at nick and touch his cheek with my hand softly so I don't wake him. I kiss his cheek and hug him feeling his warm body against mine again.


I wake up again to nick on his phone. "Good morning beautiful girl" he kisses my forehead. "Did you know you look so good in the mornings" I laugh and roll my eyes then hit him with a pillow. "What" he chuckles I'm not lying. I get up on the bed and try to pull him up to get out of bed. We go into the bathroom and nick automatically sets up his phone to film a tik tok, I look at him and smile as he signals me to come over and join him. He pulls me over and spins me around, I start laugh and he smiles. I hug him and then the video ends. We watch the video before he posts it, he uses the caption "@dixiedamelio is a cutie🥺"

He finishes posting the video and then he grabs my phone. I jump onto his back trying to get my phone out of his hand and he takes a photo. I kiss him on the cheek and he puts me down on the the bench near the sink. I places me there as he still stands up in between my legs. He leans over me and says "you don't know how badly I want to kiss you right now dixie" my breathing gets heavier. I look into his eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. Why don't you do it then I reply keeping the eye contact. He takes a breath and says I don't want to pressure you into anything and I don't want you to feel like your moving too fast" I smile at him and look at him, you have made me feel like alive in 1 day then he has in 5 years. I'm starting to catch feelings nick. His cheeks go red and he looks at me and smiles "we can take it nice and slowly, just us too living in the moment and enjoying each other. I whisper in his ear " I would love that". He looks at me and then looks down at my lips, he pushes his lips against mine, he starts off the kiss soft, my heart almost exploded. Feeling his lips against mine was what I needed. I felt free and happy when I was with him. The Kiss got more deeper, he kisses down my neck and he lets me know how beautiful I am. I lift his head back up to my lips. He grabs my ass and squeezes it. He breaks of the kiss and whispers in my ear, "I could get used to that baby girl".

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