1: Curiousity killed the...Bunny?

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"Tae shut the fuck up!, the whole point is to NOT get caught" I whisper shout at him

"It's not my fault they're fucking hoarders, there's shit every where!"

I groan and we continue searching the camp.

Hold on let me give you some backstory, goodness you must be so confused.

So me and Tae are criminals for the Bangtan mob, there are seven of us and we all live together in a big ass house. Namjoon is the leader and gives us our missions. Jin is the keeper of weapons and also feeds us, I say feed because we are all animals in a sense. Yoongi is the hard-ass of the group we use him when we need someone to go and rough someone up or intimidate them enough to give us information about our rival clan. Hoseok is the guy we send when send when we need to gather intel on others, he makes people want to trust him so he's perfect for this. Jimin is our personal male fatale, he can seduce anyone of any gender and if need be, kill them as well. He does this very cleanly and discretely so he's best for the more secretive jobs. The three of them typically end going on missions together because the more secretive killings need back-up plans seeing as more people see the person before their death. Tae has this clever and quick mind making him the best person for impromptu decisions when we get ourselves in situations that are unpredictable. And lastly Jungkook, that's me, I sound like Raven. Anyways I am the muscle of the group, so they send me for the main killings and intel, basically I get put in the most dangerous situations. Well, me and Tae, see we work well together he's legit my partner in crime. He thinks of ways to get out of situations I get us into and it seems to never fail, so we handle a decent amount of the missions.

Right now the mission is one of many against our rival mob, The Stray Kids mob, often called the Stray mob. The thing about this clan is that they take in whoever and live by what ever rules they think of in the moment. They are very powerful and have taken over other mobs that use to be independent like the EXO, GOT7 and Day6 mobs and they either force them to assimilate into their mob, keep them as prisoners or just simply kill them. They rule relentlessly and don't mind killing many people in the process. They want to take all the mobs and be the only mob around but I'll die before I let that happen.

Ok so now that that's done... we can go back to the actual present.

"Kook what are we even looking for?"

Tae asks while just rummaging around in the pile of things in the corner.

"Fuck do you even listen when Joon gives us our missions?"

"No, we're a team you listen I don't"

I legit face-palm myself

"I don't understand how someone so clever can be so dull sometimes"

"Shut up and inform me partner!"

"Yah, don't be so loud we're sneaking Tae. I swear sometimes I don't understand how you're in this mob.We're suppose to look for a brown leather book with a yellow bind. Joon said he got intel from Jackson saying that's their book of plans, or something."

Tae made an 'O' shape with his mouth and we started looking intently when all of a sudden we heard laughter. Me and Tae looked at each other and rushed to the nearest window, it was about two-stories high, nothing we're not use to. I go first making sure to roll into the fall so I don't break my legs. I turn around and I don't see Tae.


What is he doing?! He'll get caught and I don't think that'll be good for either one of us.

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