Chapter 15: Victorian-Styled

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Joon's P.O.V

You know how you put yourself in situations knowing that they're bad for you?

Yeah, that's where I am now..

With everything going on right now with the mob I need to go talk to Jin at the hotel that he's staying at, however I missed my turn. Not a complete accident seeing as this is the way to JiU's place.

Yea, not the best idea but I need to speak with her about teaming up with Chan. He just seems like he's gonna fuck her over..

I mean it's not like I really care.

I'm just looking out for the mobs.


I approach the gated fence, remembering that JiU checks on every unknown car and makes it her personal mission to kill anyone trying to pull tricks. To my surprise the gates open immediately and I head up to the entrance and it's already opened, like she was expecting me. I begin making my way to my favorite wing of the base, noticing the menacing looks that I received from the other women working in the base which is not a surprise seeing as I have a reputation. Once I arrive at the door I see that the door is cracked so I peer inside just trying to get a look at the place that holds so many memories. It's the same as I remember, the victorian-inspired styled exterior with a medieval decorated interior, it's honestly gorgeous I see why she keeps it so protected. Only she and her closest associates are allowed in here

"Oh, Joonie don't you know I could kill you for even thinking of coming here?"

Her melodious voice was coming from somewhere in the room so like any other rational human I get defensive

"Come out, you were never good with teasing"

She chuckles but it was the kind that sent chills down my spine

"You're right, but I would be careful if I were you, I have so many eyes on you that if you make so much of an aggressive gesture you'll be shot dead instantly"

JiU comes out from the wall, yes she has a secret hiding space in her wall, and immediately I remember how stunning she is. Her skintight black dress showing off her every curve, her dark purple hair that cascades down her back effortlessly. The way her eyes capture both the light and the dark in the world, it's enough to make a grown man beg-

Wait no, no we are loyal to Jin.

"Have a seat and tell me why the fuck you're here, hm?"

I hesitate for a minute thinking about the consequences of being here with her, but at this point I made the drive here so I need to be proactive

"I wanted to talk to you about Chan"

She moves around the room fixing books and random objects, but I can't help but feel like she's hunting me like prey.

"Why, you worried?"

"Yes, but for you."

She chuckles lowly and I can feel her getting closer to my chair

"Why? What I do is none of your concern"

I sigh heavily when I feel her hands on my shoulders slowly massaging them

"Hey, Joonie tell me this, hm?"


"Were you always a backstabbing pig?"

She tightens the grip making me wince a bit

"Making me fall in love you was such a good little trick, emotions are always the best weakness"

"Minji I didn't mean to hurt you.."

"Oh don't fucking lie to me, if you're going to talk to me at least be honest. And you've lost the privilege to use my real name so keep it out of your mouth"

"Ok yes it did start out like that, but-"

"But then you actually fell in love with me?"

Her hands are now roaming my arms occasionally making their way onto my chest. Her hair is trickling over her shoulder giving her this deadly seductive look and I'm trying to find the strength to look away and have some self-control

"Say it."

Her hands pull me back so that I have my back firmly residing on the chair.

"Say what?"

I feel her lips kiss my ear and drag it out with her teeth before speaking in whisper tone

"Say that you loved me.."

I couldn't help it.

"I loved you"

As soon as the words left my mouth she crashed her soft ones into mine and I didn't hesitate to respond. I took her hands off of my shoulders and pull her onto my lap holding her firmly by her small waist. It was toxic and I could feel it in each breath I took, but that's the's so addictive. Doing something so wrong in spite of the feeling you'll have after none of that matters because in that moment you just need more. Everything gets so hazy and at this point we make our way to the floor like we use to and I hover over her. I take a minute to look at the woman beneath me and right as I bend down to lay another kiss on her lips but unfortunately she stops me

"I think we're done, don't you?"


"I mean what would Jin think?"

She's pulls out a small microphone which I'm assuming has Jin on the receiving end...


A/N: I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING!! I just wanted to make that clear because I know there's a lot of cheating going on in this story but I am not one for that shit. Also I love Chan lol I keep making him a shady character in my stories but I love each and every idol I use in my story! Thank you all for reading and be sure to sign petitions and spread the word. I'll be back with another update later this weekend, love you all!!


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