Chapter 39: A waiting game

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*unedited..I wrote this pretty early in the day so please excuse mistakes*

JK's P.O.V

Coming home and sharing a bed with the same man who left me at a restaurant wasn't ideal but it was the situation I found myself in yesterday...I don't know how today will go but I can't imagine it would be a pleasant experience..I get why he was upset but at the same time I had already told him I was going to try to get Nayeon..which apparently she's waiting a week before going to the doctor's and I just know that I'll have a knot in my stomach until she confirms it..and if she is then I'll just have to step up and be a father then.

I roll to the side, my back facing the wall of pillows, and peak at my phone and seeing that it's already like 12 in the afternoon. We should probably get going then..but I haven't said two words to him since yesterday..and I don't know if he wants me to even talk to him..I turn to face the pillows before peaking over them to see the sleepy-faced male cuddled up in the blanket. His hair is messily sprawled out, and his lips are slightly pouted..I could look at how breathtaking he is all day. But we do have to get ready before there's not anyway we can sneak in, so I inhale sharply before reaching my hand slowly over the pillows-

"Don't touch me I'm up."

Well shit...that scared the fuck out of me..

He opens his eyes and they're red...he's been crying..I won't say anything though because I don't want to upset him further

"We should get going soon..I picked up the snacks on my way home yesterday.."

He nods and rolls out of the bed, I do the same and we get ready for the complete silence..God he won't even look at me! I just keep fucking up...


His voice sounds from the closet making me turn in his direction

"I need you to listen to me..we need boundaries."

His tone is very serious and I honestly feel really bad that I even put him in this position..

"I can't go on fake dates with you because it only makes me feels shittier that you got over things so please for the sake of our broken friendship-."

"Set up boundaries right..I get it..I'm sorry."

He nods again and turns around to finish getting ready for the mission while I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I pick up the toothbrush that I claim as my own and run the cold water..grabbing the toothpaste and start applying to the brush just as I was about to start brushing I hear a loud gunshots sounding from downstairs. Instantly I drop the toothbrush and rush back into the room and hustling down the stairs to the chaotic scene

Taehyung's right next to me in utter shock..the window is shattered and there's a trail of blood on the floor leading to the crowd surround the cat-featured male with drooping eyes from dozing in and out of consciousness..

"He's fucking shot! T-The fucking stray's! Call an ambulance! Now!"

Namjoon was barking orders while Jimin and Hoseok stayed by their boyfriends side one sobbing and the other telling the wounded male to hold on..

I rush grab the first phone I see and with shaky hands dial the emergency number but when they ask me what's happening I can't speak...the shouting from the living room now growing more frantic when Yoongi's eyes don't open from the slow blink he took..he can't die..the people on the phone keep asking my location to help but at this point I don't even feel like I'm here..he can't die...the phone is snatched from me and I know it's Taehyung by the way he pulls my hand into his squeezing it tightly while he makes the phone call..

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