Chapter 23: Brick

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Tae's P.O.V

A/N: There is a somewhat-detailed gore description so if you don't feel comfortable please skip it..otherwise enjoy the chapter beautiful..

*Next day*

The sunlight pours in from the window making me wake up to the handsome bunny-toothed male in front of me. I'm still reeling from yesterday's date with Jungkook, everything was so thought out and felt so precious, like he really wanted to show how much he cared for me..

I know I should ground myself in this moment but I can't help but overthink the way he planned all that just for me..

It's such boyfriend behavior..

But it could just be him being a good friend..

But he kissed me multiple times..

I don't know...all I do know is that my feelings have definitely grown and I have stopped trying to deny them..

I like Jungkook as more than a friend.

I will never tell him though, unless he says it first. I don't want to ruin his relationship with Nayeon even more than I already am.

"You look cute when you're deep in thought"

I hear his raspy voice creep into my eardrums as he moves closer to me until we're face to face and legs entangled underneath the sheets. He doesn't say anything and neither do I, we just sit there staring at the beauty in our line of sight, admiring the features of each other's face. It's almost as if we were scared to break the intimate session, like if we looked away and got up for the day everything will fall into shambles..


Jungkook clears his throat about to speak only to be cut off when we hear a thud followed by the sounds of Jimin's screaming and Hoseok's panicked noises. We hop out of bed and rush downstairs to see what all the ruckus was about and we when get to the living room the sight is enough to make me want to vomit..

It was Kai's head but it was almost unidentifiable..his face was extremely puffed up like he was submerged in water for a long period of time. His hair was disheveled and some of it looked as though it had been ripped out harshly seeing as some of scalp was peeled off, his mouth was hanging open exposing the hollow dark hole with his tongue missing..his eyes were gone too, the sockets that once held them being hollow and blue from lack of oxygen. I stumbled back into Jungkook's arms and feel some tears running down my cheeks...

I've seen things like this before, it's not uncommon for things like this to happen when you're in a mob..but Kai was a close friend of mine and he was just trying to do right..he was a good man.

I hear Namjoon rush to put the head back in the box and set it in his room for someone to dispose of it later.

"We need to make a plan..this is getting out of control"

Joon's voice was firm and as much as I wanted to hideaway with Kook in our room letting him comfort me I know that this has to stop..too many people are at risk here and it's only getting worse. Everyone starts heading downstairs for the meeting but before I could even break the tight grip Jungkook had on me he cups my face looking at me directly, causing me to feel the butterflies in my stomach to go wild...I love it when he does that

"Are you ok Tae Tae?"

"N-No not really..but we have t-to do this f-for the greater good"

"Let me know if things get to be too much and I'll whisk you away again, yea?"

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