chapter 1

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Day 1

The strong wind blew against his face , trying to push him back,away from the ledge.
But Chan wouldn't budge, He had decided that he wanted to do this. He wanted to end his sufferings. He was too angry on himself, too sad for himself.

He closed his eyes, preparing to jump off the school building when a voice interrupted him.

"Hey, You are Chan, right? What do you think you are doing? "

Chan didn't bother to turn around and look at the girl, he didn't need her to interrupt that's the last thing he wants right now.
"You don't want to do this Chan. You want to live. Get down."
This time Chan did get down of the ledge, not because she opened his eyes and made him realize what life is but because he was irritated by her.

"You think you know me?" Chan chuckled humourlessly. Looking at the girl he knew he had seen  her in his class. Ameiah , the class topper.

"Common Chan! Everyone knows how much you love your family and friends! And for a person who loves others, he should also love himself." She bit her lips looking down.

"Easy for you to say."

"Yeah, i know ." She reached for his hand and forcefully pulled him towards the stairs.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING AMEIAH?" Chan was frustrated, now she will go around the school and by tomorrow it will be the school's biggest gossip that Bang Chan wanted to commit suicide.

"I don't want you to die, Chan." she released his hands.

"Don't go over to the ledge to jump again, go over there to see the stars. And maybe, give me a chance to help you? " She stepped back and turned around to go downstairs.

"Why do you care?" Was all he could ask her ."That's the thing. People don't care nowadays, i don't want to be one of those people. " she smiled before vanishing from his sight.

Day 2

Chan's pov

As expected people were gossiping, i didn't knew how to face anyone, so i started walking towards my class not bothering to look up and see if people were staring at me. I thought about everything yesterday and maybe i  really did not wanted to die but i didn't wanted to live either.

I walked without bothering anyone when i collided with her,again.

"Hey !" She smiled at me.

I don't know how can people smile all the time like, hello? Can you please spill out what makes you so happy.
"Hey,  you provided them with the latest gossip? " i smiled sarcastically at her and immediately her smile fell.

Yes Chan! Atleast you are good at this.

"What are you- wait, i didn't tell about yesterday to anyone. " she looked confused.

"Who do you think you are fooling? They are all whispering to each other and are staring at me for no reason? " i snapped at her.

She looked around and then eyed me.

"Dumbass. You are wearing your hoodie the wrong way. " she chuckled and it took me a whole minute to process what she said .

"Uh..sorry. " I scratched the back of my neck and gave a apologetic look which was just a show because i didn't really cared about what hurted her and what not.

"Yah! I don't need your fake apologies. Thank you. " she smiled again and walked away.

Well she saw my facade .
Wow , way to go bang Chan.


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