chapter 18

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I didn't had to think twice before I ended up in front of Minho's house.
He got extra worried as soon as he saw me and hugged me without asking any questions. He patted my head continuously.

"It's okay, calm down. " He brought me inside and made me sit .
"Drink water." He gave me a glass of water which stopped my hiccups.

After sometime when I had finally calmed down he asked me what was wrong and I told him everything. Besides me , he is the only one who knew about Chan's suicide attempt. His eyes widened and he clenched his jaw as i finished speaking.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?" He asked.

As much as I wanted to say yes, I also knew that dad won't allow it .
"Dad.." I whispered.
"We will call Aura and Felix too." He patted my head. " We can go to school together and stay together all the time until you feel like you can talk it out with Chan. "

I hugged him tightly, he is truly one gem of a person. There's a reason why I feel so lost when he is not around, it's because he understands me like no one, he has always, always been there. He is the bestestestest best friend. If that even makes any sense.

"Stop crying now, play with Soonie, Doongi and Dori. Look at them, they are sad after seeing their elder sister crying. " as he said that Dori wrapped herself around my leg and stayed there. I patted their head and they instantly started purring. I chuckled and played with them for sometime.

"Amy, here's ice-cream." He yelled from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the wall , folding my hands.
"You didn't had to do this."
"What? I brought ice-cream cuz I want to eat it. Stop thinking that I love you so much. " He said walking out with his bowl of ice-cream.

I chuckled and followed him to the living room couch. He put on a comedy movie and we started eating the ice-cream.
"Accept it already, you did all this for me" I smiled.
I noticed how he almost smiled but refrained from doing so.

"Minho-ya. " I hugged him and he rubbed my back.
"It's going to be all right, okay?" He said.
"Now let us enjoy this best friend soft hours."
I chuckled "and what is that?"
"Good times with my stupid bestfriend. "

Later that evening Felix and Aura came and we four had dinner together. I feel so lonely without Chan but I still didn't dared to check my phone. When I went to sleep i saw the notifications.

25 messages from channie ☆
30 missed calls from channie☆

I didn't opened the messages, instead I asked Aura and Felix about how their day went and the siblings were really happy to hang out with Hyunjin and changbin.
Aura even showed me a little hair clip that she got from a store where she went with Hyunjin. Felix was super excited about his practice with changbin tomorrow.

I felt really happy for them, it's good to have friends who you can rely on.

Next day At school

I didn't had to face Chan alone, atleast not till now. All the classes I had with him till now , I was either with Aura or Minho. I didn't looked up at him, not once. But now I had physics, I won't have anyone else with me except Chan and Minho was lowkey worried about it .

I entered the class and sat down at one of the corner desks and took out my book. I tensed up as I felt someone sitting beside me. I didn't look but it was definitely Chan, it smelt like him.
"Amy.." His voice was raspy, he probably cried too.

I ignored him and continued studying, I was relieved when the teacher came in.
I gave all my concentration to the teacher but I could feel Chan getting impatient beside me.

He was continously tapping his feet and clicking his pen. He would occasionally look at me and then sigh. My eyes widened as he took my hand in his even though my hand was kept on the desk. I tried to free my hand but he was too strong. I finally looked at him with tears threatening to fall from my eyes. His grip loosened up instantly and I pulled my hand away.

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