chapter 10

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Ameiah's pov

I waved at Felix , even though we are in the same high school year, his classes are mostly with Chan while Aura and I share most of our classes.

"Hey!" He and chan walked upto me and Aura .

"How's it going? " I asked him.
"Pretty cool. "

"Yeah, for a new student, he is kinda famous. " chan chuckled making Felix flustered.

"Seems like my bro is getting better at socializing unlike his weird sister. " Aura chuckled beside me .

"Yah! Don't say like that. " Felix put his arm around Aura, side hugging her.
"You guys are cute~" i say smiling.
"I can't relate having such a peaceful relationship with my siblings. " chan giggled.

"Well, i can't even relate having siblings, in the first place. " i shaked my head.

"You have a good life then." Felix patted my shoulder.
All of us started laughing as we entered the cafeteria.

As we got our food and sat down to eat , i couldn't help but miss Minho . I miss our constant bickering, i miss the mean comments we used to pass to eachother, i miss getting annoyed and him ruffling my hair . Now that i think of it, i am really really attached to him. I don't know why , maybe because he is someone who always stood by me , helped me, cared for me and loved me for who i am. He is so much more than just a bestfriend, he is like a brother, rival and my soulmate, all at the same time.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain . I glared at Chan as i realized it was him who flicked my forehead.
"You were zoning out." He shrugged.
"Oh..yeah i was..missing Minho." I admitted looking down.
He frowned for a second and took out his phone while Felix and Aura looked at us awkwardly.

"Where is he?" Felix asked me as Chan continued swiping on his phone.
"Japan." I smiled sadly as i remembered the day I sent him off.

"What is he doing there?" Aura nudged me.
"He is a back dancer for BTS." I replied proudly.

"Oh damn! " both of them squealed making some of the students to look at us.

"Here," chan forwarded his phone to me. I cocked my eyebrow. "Minho is on the call."
My eyes widened as i quickly grab the phone.


"Heard my bestfriend was missing me? Huh? " i could feel him smirking on the other side.

"Nae (yes), bogoshipda (i miss you) " I said honestly.

"Me too. Wish me luck, the last concert is tomorrow. " He replied.

"What? Tomorrow? But it's your birthday tomorrow! " i banged my fist on the table in disappointment.

"It's better to perform than being alone in the hotel ." He sighed.

"Wait, so you won't be picking up calls tomorrow? " i asked.


"Tsk. Happy birthday in advance then, I love you, Come back soon." I said sounding like his girlfriend and what followed was Chan , Felix and Aura wishing Minho a happy birthday.

Chan's pov

After the lunch was over, Felix and Aura went to their only common class : Physical Education while Amy and I had a free period as our Physics teacher took a leave . So, we went to the school rooftop.

"Woah! It's hot here." I instantly regretted the idea of coming here as soon as i saw the sun shining extra bright.
"Channie~" Amy clutched my arm as she walked ahead and then sat under a shade with me. "This is where we met. "
"Yeah!" I smiled at the memory of that day.
"I have an idea, you said that you need to form a team ,right?" She questioned me to which I nodded in affirmative.

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