chapter 25

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Ameiah's pov

"Oh my God. " I gasped as I saw Felix packing his things.
"Uh-oh hi." He smiled at me.
"Where are you going? " i asked and looked at Aura who was sobbing sitting on his bed.
"We all will be living in the dorms." Felix mumbled and zipped his bag.

"Nooo." I sat next to Aura as tears fell down my cheeks.
Felix stood up and looked at both of us.
"Don't make me cry now." He replied coming towards us and kneeled down in front of us and took our hands.
"I will miss you. " Aura cried.

It's hundred times more hard for Aura as they even grew up together.

"Me too." Felix chuckled and ruffled both of our hair.
"Lixie, is it really necessary? " i asked and he nodded.
I sighed and looked down.
" stop crying please. " he looked at both of us but that just made both of us cry more and we hugged him while crying our heart out.

"Ayy, i love you both ." He hugged us back and sobbing on our shoulders. "I gotta go now, hmm?" He stood up and took his bag .
"And don't tell changbin about that ." He said before leaving.
Aura and I went back to our rooms and cried a lot hugging each other.

Later Aura was about to fall asleep when her phone rang.


She picked up the call and put it on speaker.

Changbin: Yeoboseo.

Aura: Hi. How is Felix?

Changbin: He's at practice, i called to ask if he has any problems with spicy food?

Me: He can't eat spicy food.

Changbin: well....that's why he  skipped dinner.

Aura: he skipped dinner? He will get hungry later !

Changbin: So..

Me: Just keep something to eat near his bed.

Changbin: ah okay. Thankss.

Aura: Changbinnie, here's a secret that Felix told us to not tell you.

Me: why are you exposing my bro?

Aura: Ayy, he should know. Changbin, my brother kinda likes you. Am telling you this so that you don't end up hurting him.

Changbin: *coughs* Uh-ohkay.

Me: don't make him awkward. He needs love and protection since he is just another baby in your group.

Changbin: okay.

Aura: Don't scold him too much since he gets nervous and cries alone.

Changbin: alright, I understand Felix protection Squad.

Me: hehe .

Aura: yep, bye.

Changbin: bye.

Felix's POV

I walked out of the practice room with hyunjin  and Jeongin.
"I feel like my legs will get detached from my body." Hyunjin sighed.
"Mahn, I need a shower." I chirped and we all high fived each other and I went to the washroom and took a long hot shower. I dried my hair and walked in our dorm.
I sighed as i went to my room and closed the door.

I glanced at the other bed,so, changbin and I are sharing rooms. He found that he is already sleep so I just went to my bed and tried to sleep. I groaned as my stomach made weird noises.
"Ah I am hungry. " I whispered to myself and sat up.

I squealed as suddenly changbin spoke up.
"There's some ramen kept on the table."
"Oh I thought you were sleeping." I laughed nervously and took the ramen on the table.
"You should have said that you can't eat spicy food." He sat up and came to sit beside me.

"Eh? Who told you?" I asked slurping my noodles.
"Your personal protection squad!" He chuckled. "I called your sisters. "
I almost choked on my noodles, I just hope those two dumbos didn't spoke all that to him.
"Uhm.." He coughed nervously. "So,"

I stared at him completely froze. Where can I dump those two betrayers?

"I-I..OH God. " I stuttered, "I am so s-sorry. I didn't meant it to make awkward."
"It''s okay ." He chuckled.
I hid my face by my hand and sat there as an awkward silence hanged between us.
"I will go sleep now." Changbin muttered and went back to his bed. I ate my noodles and went back to bed as silently as i could and went back to sleep.

The next morning when i woke up, changbin was already up. I got out of the bed and walked past him to the washroom but turned back to ask him a question.
"hey, are we going to be awkward from now on?"

He just smiled and patted my head.
"Nope, we are going to be best friends! "
I smiled widely and nodded.

Minho's pov

I dropped jisung to the studio and called over  Amy to my house as soon as I got to know that She was accepted in the college along with Aura.

Not gonna lie  but I literally can't imagine being without her.
As i reached my house I saw amy waiting outside .
"Minho-yaaaa" she came running and hugged me.
"How long were you waiting? "
"5 minutes. Okay listen help me."
"With what?" I asked as we went in and my cats came running to Amy.

Ofcourse they love their sister more than their brother. Life is unfair.

"Basically, we were supposed to go next month but the semester is starting next week and now Both Aura and I don't know how to break this news to the boys." She said patting soonie while doongie and dori roaming around her legs.

I looked at her, shocked. It's better be a prank.
"You aren't being serious right?" I said.
"I am serious. " she looked at me.
"Woah! What-" i sighed frustrated and sat on the couch.

"Believe me it's legit killing me. Honestly, Aura and hyunjin have been in love for like a month and they already have to separate. " She sat beside me. " Who made these dating ban thingy? I will kill him."

"I will help you. " i muttered.
"You can't. You won't want to take soonie , doongie and dori to prison with you." She smiled and hugged me.
I hugged her back and that's when it truly  hit me that she will really be going out of our lives for whole 3 years and i won't receive any hugs and teasing from her. No one will annoy me while playing games and no one's gonna dance madly with me.

"Gosh." I whispered .
"I will miss you all ." Her voice cracked a bit as she pulled away.
"C'mon, we have utilize the remaining 4 days. "
"What you wanna do?" I asked.
"Just the usual. " she smiled and pulled me up from the couch.

We started playing songs and dancing together.
"Honestly, who's gonna dance with me on BTS  songs?" She  started crying.
"Aura  will." I chuckled.
"But you were the best. "
"Awww ." I quickly hugged her and tried consoling her although I don't know how to console myself.


Gcicyvpkbpkpjra i am sad.

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