chapter 5

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Chan's pov

I took a deep breath and entered the class in hope to see Ameiah. She told me that she would meet today but she didn't showed up. I waited in front of her locker and during the lunch but she was nowhere to be seen.

As i glanced around the last class of the day which I had with Ameiah, I found out that she isn't in class.
'Maybe she is really absent. ' I thought to myself and made my way towards an empty seat.
The class was surprisingly interesting and I loved how I really managed to understand the concept. I didn't even realized when the class got over and students started to leave.

I picked up my bag and walked out of the class when suddenly i felt someone pull my bag, i stumbled back .

Ameiah came out of nowhere.

"You are present? " i asked her while cocking my eyebrows.
She nodded and started walking and i followed her out of habit.

"I was at the library. " She said kicking a small stone on our way out of the school gate. "Here, read this. " she handed me a book.

"Huh? 'All the bright places' " i read the title aloud . "What's this about?" I asked her still looking at the prelude given in the back of the book.

"It's almost about how we met, except i am not like Theodore Finch . " She sighed. "You know what chan, i don't want to give you any spoilers but Theodore Finch was my ideal boyfriend. It's sad that he doesn't exist in real life."

I frowned to myself when I saw the look on her face. She was..sad?
"Why are you giving me this book if you love it so much?" I asked confused.

"Well, I want you to read it..and i don't really like the book. The story is beautiful no doubt about it but it's too painful and it breaks me everytime I read it. You know i like suffering haha so, i read it even though I always end up crying. It's like life , gives you a lot of pain but you still have to go on to witness the beautiful ending. "

I nodded.

"Amy, you skipped all the classes today, why?" I asked.

"Eh, i was just missing Minho and he is my benchmate and other than him no one sits with , i didn't felt like going to the class."

Am i a joke to you?

"Girl, I am your friend, me is your friend, myself is your friend. " i made a face .

"Ohmygod channie," she started laughing. "You looked so cute just now ."

I chuckled as we kept walking.
"So, you aren't skipping any classes, okay? We will sit together. "

"As you wish, my majesty! " she chuckled.

"Oh my gosh! That was cringy. " I cringed.

"Yeah i know. Whatever, what did you study? "

"Quantum physics. " i said absentmindedly.

"WHA- I MISSED QUANTUM PHYSICS!? " she looked in shock.

"Apparently yes and the lesson was so confusing. It's a difficult concept. " i teased her purposely.

"Channie? " i looked at her. "Please teach me."

"Teach you what?" I faked my confusion.

"Quantum physics! What else?" She deadpanned.

"But i didn't understand it." I pressed my lips .

"C'mon you are lying! I know the look on your face when you lie. Please please teach meeee.." she practically begged.

"Okay. Where do you want to study?" I asked her.
"Anywhere is okay. " she shrugged.
"My house then."
(A/N- omg chan's my house dancing video was lit af🔥)
She gave a thumbs up.


I didn't had training today so I just played some video games aimlessly until it was 5pm and i realized that Ameiah was supposed to come at 5:30.

And that's how I ended up cleaning my house in just 30 minutes. That's a personal achievement. I looked around the house proudly.
Well done Christopher Bang.

I heard the doorbell and ran towards the door.
"Hi !" Ameiah said as soon as I opened the door.
I greeted her back.
I am really nervous about her seeing my house because it's not the best house one can have.

"Umm..chan? "

"Yeah?" I asked her nervously as i saw her frowning as she looked around my house.

"How the fuck do you live in a house that's painted dark blue? It literally absorbs all the light and just gives off dark vibes! " she looked at me.
"I-i like it this way." I replied not knowing how to explain that i painted it dark to match my depressing vibes.

"Are you rich?" She asked out of nowhere.
"Wha- kind off ." I said.
"Then let's go and buy some paint because this-" she said pointing at the walls ," is too depressing for me and you. "
"Woah woah wait! You can't just decide the color of my house. " I said slightly taken aback by her suggestion.
"Yeah right." She said looking down.

"Let's start studying. " she said after an awkward silence.

I nodded and brought the notes from the class and started explaining her everything. After a long session she asked -" wait, what's 'collapsing the wave'  thingy?"

"Umm..i don't know we didn't started the topic yet. " I said honestly.
"Oh okay..then" she closed the book and her notebook. " I should be going .
Ameiah stood up , packing her things .

"You are going already? It's not even 7 yet. " I don't want her to go, to be honest I enjoy her company.

"Uh..i don't think we have anything else to do . " She said putting on her shoes.
"We can get to know each other well..or maybe play video games?" I asked as she opened the door to go.

I looked at her expectantly as she seemed to thought for a while. After a minute she sighed.
"Well then..ok. Let's get to know each other well."

I fist bumped the air in delight and pulled her inside and made her sit on the couch.
"Ch-chan, you can leave my hand."
"Huh? Oh! Sorry. " I realized that I was holding her hand all this time.
"Gwenchana (it's okay). " she said.

There was silence for a while until I decided to speak.
"Okay so..what color do you think will suit my house? " I asked grinning.

"What? Wait OHMYGOD! " she giggled. "Lemme think. "

I stared at her as she started thinking. I never noticed but her eyes aren't black but dark brown with some golden thingy at the sides. They are beautiful.

"What about Red and white?
Chan? CHAN?" She shook me to gain my attention back to the colors.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked embarrassed.

"Red and white. "

"Perfect. " I smiled while replying, not knowing if it was for the colors or her eyes.

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