chapter 24

486 30 53

Ameiah's pov

"Anneyeong Amy!" Hyunjin greeted me.
"Yo!" I high fived him and gave Felix his headphones that he has been trying to get from me since morning.
Aura, Hyunjin and Felix are going to play games and i, unfortunately have to go to submit my form.

"This is unfair! I can't even join you all." I whined.

"Gwenchana Gwenchana. " hyunjin chuckled.
"That is not okayyy" i made a face.
"Go, you will get late." Felix said in his deep voice.

He knows that I can't disobey him when he uses that voice. It makes him more scary.

"Aish! Okay." I pouted and looked at Aura who grinned.
I went to my  room stomping loudly so that they can hear.

"I really want to play!" I yelled to no one in particular and went to my closet. I took out my blue jeans and a white shirt. Now, i am  not really a fan of whites and there are reasons: 1) They get dirty easily. 2) I hate shirts in general. I mean T-shirts are more better and comfortable.

I sighed as i changed into the clothes, i have to look formal  therefore I have no Choice but to wear a shirt and a white one because Aura told the background of the picture taken for  the admission is black. I can't go black . That would be a disaster.

I tied my hair  in two braids, took the important papers, my ID and other essentials.
"Bye!" I yelled outside Felix's room but  all i could hear was Felix's and hyunjin's excited screams. I sighed and went.

Once i got on the bus , i decided to call minho.

Minho: What?

Me: Atleast say hello.

Minho: Hello.

Me: Whatcha doing?

Minho: i am out with jisung.

Me: on a date?

Minho: no no. We are going Incheon to take some essentials from his home.


minho: yes , listen carefully.

Me: Minho-ya, i was thinking of meeting you but you forgot me for jisung.

Minho: oh God, stay away from Hyunjin, will you? Anyway listen, We need some bestfriend time after i come back. Just the two of us.

Me: ofcourse. What will we do?

Minho: Just the usual.

Me: dancing like mad people in your house while eating some snacks and getting weird looks from soonie, doongie and dori?

Minho: Exactly. Bubye ,i will talk to you later.

Me: okay bye! And oh, say hi to Jisungie from me.

I hanged up and smiled to myself. The bus stopped infront of my school and I got off.

The form submission process was  awkward. I don't usually come to do these kinda stuffs alone since I get nervous and end up embarrassing myself. For example I will randomly forget my birthday when the employee asks me to fill it , all these suffering because I get nervous.

I got out of the office hoping to go and meet chan. I checked my watch, 11:25 am. I have a lot of free time. I thought as i walked through the hall . I went out happily but all that vanished as i saw it was raining.

You better be kidding me!

I don't have an umbrella because the weather forecast said it  will be a sunny day with only 1% probability of raining.

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