chapter 33

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A few months later.

Ameiah's pov

It's been 2months since we have came back to Korea , I vividly remember the moment I stepped in my room again. I was overwhelmed with nostalgia as I brushed my fingers on my posters and saw the photo frames on my walls.
Everything was exactly the same as I had left them except my parents were a bit more older .

They hugged the life out of me and I didn't left my dad alone for like the next 2 days. They also welcomed Aura the same way and Felix even came to live with us for a week leaving his members in the dorms. Those were easily some of the best days in the previous few years. The three of us had wild karaoke nights which led to our neighbours complaining to my parents.

Felix and I tried cooking various kind of dishes and Aura used to taste them for us! It was so much fun, we had even played with water on our backyard which wasn't really huge but was perfect for us to attack each other. Aura used to select horror movies to watch at night with blankets around us .

Felix taught us a lot of tiktok dances and we found out that he had a secret tiktok account and Chan had a twitter account which wasn't that surprising, I mean every STAY knows , they just don't know the usernames. Amidst that fun filled week , my favourite moments were easily when Lixie sang for both of us before sleep. He was easily the best brother in the whole universe and no one could deny it.

After that when Felix went back to the dorms, Aura got a job as a professor in the Seoul National University which was literally such a surprise, apparently they were impressed with her results in maths honours and wanted to work with her. I clearly remember Hyunjin was berserk! His excitement was all over the place, he was probably more happy than Aura .

He proposed her for marriage soon after that and obviously Aura said Yes. I mean!?!? They were soooo cute. But like he is yet to announce anything about it to the fans even though the dating ban got over a few months ago.

And finally about my life *sighs* I have submitted my resume to various government and private hospitals and am waiting for someone to keep me in their hospital like please. Anyone? I don't want to be unemployed.

(A/N- The author wants a part time job as well but like it ain't possible. )

And finally when I got a call from the Asan Medical Center Seoul, I literally died because that's like one of the best cardiac hospitals here and to get a call for an interview there is huge.
So, I am waiting for them to call me in and am literally panicking so much because I am not really stable in situations like these because they make me super nervous.
I figured out that I still have some time before the interview so I went through my Instagram.

"Ameiah , please go in." The worker said and I got up from my seat , straightening my blazer. My palms became cold as I met with a panel of five interviewers. I wished them good morning and took my seat which was across them.

"So, miss Ameiah, you have studied in Australia?" One of them asked.
"Yes." I replied briefly.
"Your records are really good." Another interviewer complimented.
"Thank you."
"Are you nervous?" The lady in the middle asked me.
I nodded.

"Ah Don't be nervous. You are already selected, we just wanted to check you with the other candidates who came for neurology department. Congratulations!" She said.

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