chapter 34

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Chan's pov

Today, we are supposed to go to shop for Hyunjin's marriage. I walked out of my room in hopes to see the other members ready to go but as usual I was utterly disappointed.
Since Felix and Minho had already left for the girl's house, the chaos were a little less.

I saw Jisung sitting with seungmin and they both seemed to be deep in conversation so I went towards them and sat there .

"Maybe hot chocolate wants to be called beautiful chocolate at least once. " Jisung seemed so serious.

"Please let me live jisung. It has been 4 years that am suffering. " Seungmin pushed jisung down from the sofa and sat more comfortably.

I shaked my head and checked my watch, soon jeongin, changbin and Hyunjin came out . I stood up and we went out.

Ameiah's pov

"Oh gawd Minho- " I looked at Minho is disbelief after tasting the cookies he made.
"What?" He replied back to me totally unbothered by the fact that he mixed salt instead of sugar.
"It's salty." I said drinking water and hoped that somehow Felix won't see it but God hates us.

"You had one work , Minho." Felix's voice startled both of us and we shared a look.

"Shit" Minho muttered under his breath.

Aura came downstairs and joined me and asked me what happened quietly as both the males were glaring at each other.

"So like Felix told Minho to add sugar as he had to go to washroom and -" aura cut me off.
"And Minho added salt?" She asked and I nodded. I heard her sigh.

Felix looked extremely annoyed as Minho smiled smugly which ultimately resulted Felix to calm down. He doesn't really get mad so...

"Don't you children have to go buy this girl a dress?" My dad said pointing towards Aura.
"Yes omg we are late." Minho muttered and we quickly cleaned the place and got ready to go.

While we were in the car , Aura and I decided to tease the boys a bit.

"Ahem.. lixie, I heard fans ship you with changbin really hard. Why don't you both tell them?" Aura asked catching Felix offguard who started stuttering.

"N-no it's like we b-both aren't really - ugh we will tell them soon. " He said looking ahead.

"You both are soo cuteee cuz both of you are softies and makes me soft for you both !" I chuckled and saw Felix grew red which made Minho laugh.

"Shut it Minho, you're in the same boat." Felix muttered and Minho gave him a look.

"Oh and minsung is a fan favourite." I laughed. "I mean jisung looks soooooooo shy around you on camera also that dumbass and you actually look like newly wed couples who Don't even fight just take care of eachother." I said and Minho glared at me as he turned his head around.

"Don't give her looks dude, we literally have videos and pictures of you both hugging each other, cuddling and just vibing with each other 24/7. " Aura snickered.

"Says the one who is getting married tomorrow." Minho smirked.
"Eyy no teasing my sister!" Felix laughed and all of us ended up laughing.

Once we reached the showroom, we went through a series of wedding gowns and all of them were so beautiful!
After going over and over through them, we finally decided to go for a bluish and whitish gown, it almost looked like the one from frozen but a bit more elegant.

We bought other necessities and ate lunch together at a restaurant. By the time we were home, all of us were extremely tired and went to sleep.

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