chapter 9

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"Yah! Just wait for a sec." Chan stopped just in front of the office. "I can't believe that I am going inside a suicide helpline center."
"Well, i can't do anything, dad works here." Ameiah shrugged.

"What do they do here? Like recieve calls all day?" He enquired.

"Nah! It's not just that, they have to cooperate with NGO'S and other non-profit groups. They also lead campaigns and things like that. " amy said. "Let's go now."

Chan nodded as they entered the office. They greeted the receptionist who seemed to be friendly.
Ameiah has been to her dad's office a lot of times before too so, finding his room wasn't really a big task. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in."

Both Chan and Ameiah entered, ameiah's eyes widened as she realized that Aura, the girl she met during Minho's soccer practice was her cousin. Nonetheless, Aura was shocked too.

"Earth to Ameiah? " Her father clicked his fingers in front of Amy  to end the staring contest between the two girls.
"Do you know each other?"

"Umm..yeah we have met before but..i didn't knew that she was my cousin. " Ameiah replied to her father then turned back to Aura,"Hey, nice to meet you again. "

"Hello! " Aura chuckled.

"Hi! " the boy beside Aura spoke in a very deep voice ,startling both chan and Amy. "I am Lee Felix."


"G'day mate!"
Chan and Ameiah bowed down to both the teenagers.

Initially it was really really awkward between the four. Ameiah's father noticed it and decided it was best for him to leave them alone.
He coughed to gain everyone's attention.
"Uh..Ameiah, take them to our house and may i ask who is this?"

"Oh! This is Bang Chan. He is in my school. "

Chan and her father had some basic conversation regarding studies and what were his hobbies and then the four of them walked out of the office, each one of them carrying one bag.

They walked in silence for some time until Aura spoke.
"Ameiah, so it turns out you are our cousin. Funny."

"Yeah right, which is kinda unexpected ."

"Where are you guys from? " chan asked in his Australian accent to let them know that he was an aussie.
"Oi!" Felix eyes widened, "are you an aussie? "
Chan nodded.

"That's great!" Felix looked at Chan admiringly, "We are from Melbourne. "
"Where are ya from ?" Aura asked Chan.
"SYDNEY! " He replied excitedly.

(A/N- I know Felix is also from Sydney but i mean someone should be from Melbourne too. I love that place!)

"Damn! You guys will become great friends! Aussieeeeee ayy!" Ameiah smiled. "Felix, your soccer skills are so awwesome!"

"Huh? When did you watch me play? " He asked curiously.

"She came to stalk me and saw you." Chan replied almost immediately.

"Oh my God noo! I came to watch my bestfriend Minho , apparently this idiot was also there. I noticed you because everyone cheered so loudly at your attacking skills. I met Aura there too!" Ameiah explained herself.

"Ah, that explains everything. " Felix used his deep voice again making Ameiah shiver again.
"Dude, can you speak in a light tone?" She faced him," your voice scares me! "

Felix chuckled. "Yeah okay!" He said in a baby voice.

"Oh mai gash!" Chan gasped.

"Don't mind him, he is not normal." Aura said while giving a mocking look to Felix.

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