chapter 31

406 29 37

Minho's pov

I felt a back hug and turned around to see a smiling Chan.
"Did you apologize?" I asked sternly.
"I did and it's all good between us." He said. I found myself relaxing and hugged Chan back.

"ME TOO!" Jisung jumped on us and stuck to us like a koala.
"Oo I wanna join too" Felix pouted and joined the hug.
"Me too" Hyunjin came running and jumped towards us.
"Nevermind" seungmin sighed and joined too ,soon followed by jeongin and changbin who waddled his way towards us.

I laughed at let all of them squish me. Then all of us settled down in the living room and switched on the TV to watch something but nothing interesting was happening so we chit chatted .
"Ok but like you hurt my sister once again and boom! Christopher bang is gonna suffer." Felix muttered in his deep voice.

"Uh-ohkay , seriously relax. " Chan said scratching the back of his neck. No one really dragged on that topic and everyone was happy that it didn't escalated.

"I miss them." Jeongin huffed "I only appreciate cuddles when they do it because they aren't annoying unlike you all."

"OUCH MY HEART JUST GOT STABBED BY INNIE'S WORDS!" Hyunjin as usual was being a dramatic ass.

"Should I put ointment on your stab?" Seungmin asked rolling his eyes.
"BUT HE NEEDS A SURGERY!" Jisung yelled.
I shaked my head in disappointment.
"Jisungie is the only one who cares for me here " Hyunjin said going to jisung and hugged him .

"Anyone wanna play video games?" Felix asked.
"I will play ." Changbin got up but just as they were going our manager burst  into the room.


We all looked at him weirdly.
"What happened?" Chan freed himself from seungmin's arms and walked up to the manager.
The manager sighed and gave us a glare.
"We have to visit the stylists for your MAMA appearance. The show is tomorrow and you guys haven't prepared-"

My eyes widened and as on cue Chan gasped.

"FUCK IT'S TOMORROW!" He was shocked. We all had forgotten about it since we were never really respected much in award shows. Yes, they gave us the rookie award but they didn't even invited us the following year, forget about being nominated.

Like, we are not that famous in Korea . We are recognised worldwide but recognition in Korea came late . They started noticing us after our album release earlier this year. Now that we are nominated for AOTY and daesang, all of us are pretty sure that we won't get it but getting nominated was enough for us and STAYS. It's all because of STAYS.

Yes, we work hard and put everything in line but without stays it would have been impossible to make a mark in the industry.

"So , I have to go to stylists instead of playing video games?" Felix raised his eyebrow.

"Yes." The manager nodded.

"Whaaa-I hate life." Felix muttered and changbin chuckled ruffling his hair. We all went to our rooms and get changed quickly and went to the stylists.

The next day
(A/N- I have no idea how to write this.)

The venue was loud with fans of different groups cheering for them, the stands lit up with lightsticks. The venue roared with cheering and clapping as TXT performed.

The boys , sitting on their place were in awe as their friends performed so well. As soon as their performance ended , all the idols stood up and started clapping. Yeonjun fist bumped Chan on his way back and others joked with eachother as the groups were made to sit together.

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