chapter 19

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Aura's pov

I lazily walked up to open the door. I glanced suspiciously as i found Amy.
"What? Let me in."

"Why are you wearing a turtle neck? This is chan's , right?" I ask as I get aside for her to come in.

"Why do you think? " She glanced at me and went to our room.

I stood there for a while, thinking about the possibilities. My eyes widened as I realised that they made out . I rushed to our room and closed the door.
"Bro..did you guys-"
"We made out. But I don't know that to do now? How the fuck do I hide these- " She pointed at her neck "from everyone. "

"I don't know. Maybe borrow all of felix's turtle necks . " I say honestly.
"Bruh...this is frustrating. "
"Do you mean trusfrating?" I chuckled.
"Now is not the time for BTS references. Do something!" She started whining.

"Yah! Stop whining! " I yelled.
She quickly stopped whining and sat down like a 5 year old with a pout.
I went and dragged Felix with me.
"What the hell?" Felix groaned.
"Help her dude. " I replied.
"What happened? " He looked at Amy. ""

"What?help her! " I hit his shoulder.
"Use a freaking concealer. Why are you hitting me duffer! "
"Yah! You are dumb. " I reply back. "I don't know how to use it Neither do amy ."

He sighed and kneeled down in front of Amy  as I handed him the concealer.
"Do brothers even help with these kinda stuff?" He mumbled.
"They should. " I shrugg and went to take my phone as It was ringing.

Hwang Hyunjin.

I picked up the call.


Me: "Calm down boy! " I chuckled.

Hyunjin : "Aren't we going to go to seungmin's tomorrow? "

Me: "Yes, are you ready to execute the plan?"

Hyunjin : "of course! Tell everyone to act like they don't know us otherwise it will not work. "

Me: "okayyyyy!"

Hyunjin : "I am soooooo excited! "

I laughed and continued to talk with him.

Me: "How is training going? "

Hyunjin : "pretty good actually . Minho is helping me a lot! Even Jisung is helping me with rapping. Honestly, I am so happy to have met them.

Me: "That's cool! "

Hyunjin :" What about Felix tho? Is he preparing for the audition? "

Me: "Yes! Changbin, Minho and Chan are helping him too. But he is nervous, I mean obviously it's a big thing. Even our parents are against it so , he feels the pressure of not disappointing them ."

Hyunjin : " Hmm..Tell him to not worry so much and do his best . Your parents are probably worried too. Take good care of lixie. "

Me: "yeah! You really care about him,huh?"

Hyunjin : "of course, if he is going to join us then I need to be kind and caring to him too..infact Seungmin is doing pretty well preparing for the audition too."

Me: "That was sweet of you. I really hope that both of them could make it. "

I smiled thinking about how hard Felix is trying even though he isn't fluent in korean yet. Am so proud of my lixie.
We talked for sometime after that before hanging up.

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