chapter 7

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Minho's pov

I came back to the hotel room, exhausted. It's just been 5 days here and it's already tiring. I plopped on my bed and checked our group chat.

☆Stray kids☆

Amy- Minho-yaaaaa bogoshipda
(I miss you)

Chan- i kinda miss you too TT

Amy- mini maini mo minho where are you?

Chan- mini minho lol

Me- Guys, wtf.

Me- ok, i miss you too but it's so hectic!

Chan- Are you taking care of yourself?

Me- The person who doesn't take care of himself shouldn't say that to me. (-_-)

Chan- *gasps* mean.

Amy- Minho-ya minho minho minho minho minho minho.

Chan- STOP.


Amy- minho minho minhooooo

Me- i hate you.

Amy- i love you too.

Me- aish! Let me tell you this amy, you're annoying me.

Chan- BURN.

Amy- :") it'd be like that sometimes. I am here only to suffer. Tsk tsk.

Chan- lmao crackheads.

Me- pighead.

Amy- since i annoy you, I am going offline. *crying intensifies*

Me- The drama....

Chan- don't lie ,amy. You are going to watch online concerts. I know that.

Me- it'd be better if you start studying instead. I don't want you to fail the exams ,amy.

Amy- Guess who disowned her only friends just now?? Me . I hate you both. Bye.

Amy- minho...take care of yourself you shitface.

Amy- Chan, you better prepare yourself cuz am gonna beat you the next time we meet.

Amy is offline.

Chan- she's scary.

Me- ik man. Ik.

Chan- on a serious note, take care of yourself.

Me- yeaaahhh

Chan- bubye.

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