chapter 22

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☆Stray kids ☆

Me: Anyone of you coming to school? Like you all haven't shown up for this whole week.

Aura☆: I am coming.

Me: I know. You are literally sitting beside me wtf.

Aura☆: yeah and i have no reason to skip school.

Me: you know, we can talk face to face.

Aura☆: hehehe

Channie☆: Actually, we can't.

Changbinnie: We have to make a pre-debut album.

Jisungie: 3Racha is working !

Me: i miss y'all :'(

Minho♡: Same but sorry.

Aura☆: it's okay. We understand but i haven't seen SUNSHINE in a whole week.

Jeongin: but the sun is out there.

Changbinnie: she means Felix. Felix SUNSHINE.

Felix☆: ❤❤❤❤

Hyunjinie: I am going to fail if i don't study for weeks like this.

Me: Aura will help. 

Channie☆: What about me?

Me: you are on your own.

Channie☆: (○_○)

Hyunjinie: BREAKING NEWS!!

Aura☆: WoAh tHe draMa .

Hyunjinie: Seungmin broke Jeongin's water bottle.

Channie☆: oh no.

Me: Yes Jeongin, kill seungmin..

Seungmin: did i ever pissed you off noona? Why this betrayal..?

Changbinnie: but the point is-

Jisungie: that it was , as hyunjin said, B R E A K I N G News. Haha .

Minho: lol

Jeongin: Amy noona *whispering*

Seungmin: how do you whisper in chats?

Me: What? *whispering back*

Jeongin: i caught chan hyung cheating on you.

Channie☆: WHAT WAIT? WHAT THE  F- NO .

Me: really? With whom? (Chan  istg.)

Channie☆: I DID NOT.

Jeongin: i have proof.  With minho hyung.

Minho ♡: WHAT NO.

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