chapter 4

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Minho's pov

The past two -three days have been eventful , we made a group chat with Chan and named it "Stray kids" after a lot of discussion. The name kinda suits us since 1) We are kids and 2) we are stray or let's just say we are lost in the path of life .
I checked my phone and there was a text from bts's manager , it was something about the Japan HYYH tour.

Manager Nim: Minho,we want you to be a part of BTS'S HYYH Tour. If you're interested then please submit your name to me during today's practice.

I read the message and fist bumped the air! I am going to perform on stage , in front of so many people. Even though everyone's focus will be BTS but still it's a good chance to get myself noticed by companies. I decided I needed to tell this to Amy and Chan as soon as possible. So I quickly texted them.

Stray Kids☆

Me: Guyssssss

Me: akandbdjsjangehwo


Chan : are you high?

Amy : I agree lol.

Me: Don't be a spoilsport and listen to the good news i have !

Amy : Did you passed physics test?

Me: aniyaaaaaaaa

Me: I got selected for BTS'S HYYH Tour!!!!! Tell me how awesome is that!

Chan: OMG! Congrats mate!

Amy: woahhhhhh

Chan: woohooo

Amy: when is it?

Me: next week! Am so excited!

Chan: das great!

Amy: ooohh

Amy: .....


Amy: Nooo:(

Me: what?

Chan: wHaT?

Amy: Minho-ya, it's your birthday next week, you won't  be here.... :"(

Me: ..Oooh

Chan: oh no.

Me: but it's ok! I may get a chance to become a trainee.

Amy:yeah..i will miss you TT

Me: Hey guys, let's grab some ice-cream to lighten the mood.

Chan: lol okay.

Amy: aish! This pig...

Me: *glares at you*

Amy: *hair flip.*

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