chapter 32

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Ameiah's pov

I searched for my phone as it rang while still focusing on my project, after some fail attempts, I finally found it and smiled at the caller ID.

"Hey Aura ! Wassup?"

"Amy..they d-did it."
I tensed up as I could hear her sobs.
"Wait..who did what? Are you okay?"

"Stray kids won the daesang! "

As those words reached me , my whole body froze and I dropped my pen . I couldn't fathom any words and just sat silently as tears of happiness rolled down my eyes.

"Ohmygod I-" Aura cut me off.

"Just come home, we gotta celebrate."

As we hanged up, I immediately got up , packing my stuff and headed out of the university to go home. I occasionally skipped a step or two in excitement and put on my earphones listening to some good music.
The bus ride, which always felt so long surprisingly felt so short or maybe I was just hallucinating due to over excitement.

I rushed inside the building and took the elevator to our floor. I knocked on our door, waiting for Aura to open the door but was surprised as Lucas appeared from behind the door.

"Uh-Hi Lucas." I smiled.

"Hi, Aura invited me over ." He said as he closed the door.

"Ohmygod that's great!" I said putting my stuff on a corner and took a seat beside Lucas as aura appeared with boxes of pizza and coke.
My eyes widened and I looked at her with a confused look.

"What about your diet?"
"Forget it. " She deadpanned and we burst into fits of laughter.

"Aren't you guys going to call them?" Lucas asked looking back and forth between Aura and me.

"I guess they are done with the awards , aren't they?" He said looking at his watch and calculating the time difference.
"Right, I should call Felix." Aura chirped as she took out her phone as I stared at her while eating a slice of pizza.

"Oh-wait. Lemme put it on speaker." She muttered.
Soon enough we could hear Felix from the other side , he was the only one who never ignored our calls, others would sometimes ignore our calls if they had schedule.

In conclusion: Felix best boy.

"Ohmygod Aura!" He chuckled and we could hear rest of the boys wilding in the back.

"Congratulations!" All three of us cheered and waited for his response.
"Thank you and you know, it's so emotional here right now, all of us were crying and now Chan is still crying! AND I AM SO HAPPY!"


"We are so proud of you lixie, and the other boys too! Where are they?" I said.

"Shouldn't we do a video call..that way you can talk to everyone." He said.
"Okay!" Aura replied and hanged up.

"Okay, am not ready for this! Where should I hide?" Lucas started to get nervous. I mean obviously if someone tells me that I have to be on a video call with an idol group suddenly then I would most probably freak out and die.
"They know you. We both literally talk about you with them 24/7" Aura chuckled.
"Yeah and they already like you. Don't worry." I said as the Aura video called them.

My heart started beating faster each second and I almost gasped as Felix popped up on the screen waved at us. I was overwhelmed by the emotions as I saw all of them.

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