Chapter 36

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Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Aura, who was peacefully sleeping beside the boy. He admired her face as he tucked the strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Aura, wake up." He said softly earning a soft mumble on the other side. Sighing , he decided to go back to his daily tactics of waking Aura up. He removed his hands from her waist, sat straight and shouted his lungs out.

He chuckled seeing that the girl was finally awake and was frowning at him. "Give me five minutes hyunnie" she said in an attempt to fall asleep again.

Hyunjin rubbed his hands with a evil smile as he all of a sudden started tickling the girl.
"Wh-what the hell ! Stop!" Aura said between her laughs.
"Wake up Dumbo, it's Chan's and Amy's wedding today! " He said tickling her more.

At this point Aura had tears in her eyes from all the laughing, she finally caught hold of Hyunjin's hand and then it striked her that it was the wedding day and a small gasp escaped her mouth as she quickly got up and ran to freshen up making Hyunjin chuckle.


Ameiah's pov

I was sitting on my bed, fully dressed and ready and it was still an hour left for us to leave the venue so I didn't really understand why Felix and mom were in such a hurry to get me ready and then they left me alone to do other works.

At last I decided it's better to play games on phones than sitting alone and doing nothing and that's how I ended up playing five nights and now am in this super critical state and I need to win.

"Amy!!" I heard Minho . I  hummed without looking at him because at the moment all my focus was on the game. I felt him sitting beside me and peep into my phone.
After what felt like five minutes, I won the game and let out a squeal. He laughed and we high fived.

"So can I have all of your attention bitch?" He said half jokingly.

"Go ahead!" I waved my hand.

"Today, it feels like we actually came a long way! Oh my god do you remember the first time Chan talked to me? " He smiled at the memory.

"Yeah you were like You can sit with us Chan! But if you hurt Amy then I will not leave you . Geez!" I chuckled.

"But you gotta thank me for spotting your crush on him before you did." He smirked making me smack his head.

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes.

He sighed and hugged me tightly making me smile. "Eh minho-ya, you are tainting my make up." I said to tease him and he giggled.
"Make up can't save you duh."
We both bursted put laughing when Jisung, Felix and Changbin came in .

"Ah bestfriends time!" Jisung cooed .
"I can't believe this shit , everyone is getting married! "

Felix laughed .
"Why do you also wanna get married?" Changbin smirked as Felix started laughing while jisung looked visibly panicked at the mention of their marriage.

"Where's Aura?" Felix Asked me and I shrugged.
"I am late." We heard her as she made her way towards her rather sheepishly.
"Wow! You are so early!" Changbin deadpanned.
"Uh sorry. I overslept." She muttered.
"I feel bad for Hyunjin." Felix teased her earning a slap on his shoulder.

"OKAYYY LET'S GO!" Jisung was visibly more excited than everyone else and once I saw the way Minho looked at him really made me so soft.

Once we reached the venue , my dad sat beside me clutching my hand.
"You have grown up so much." He whispered to me kissing my hand.
So this is what it feels like.

(A/N- lmao who knows what it feels like. )

When the time came, I walked through the aisle with my dad, my eyes met his and as we locked eyes with each other, I could feel those butterflies in my stomach. The walk felt slow but filled with beautiful memories.

This is the boy I have came to love, we allowed ourselves to heal eachother and we stayed side by side, together and overcame so many minor and major things. I know he is not perfect
Neither am I perfect, we both have faults and cracks deep within us but together we are perfect. We fill those crack deep within us and love each other more every time.

I have came to love a boy who always chose others before him, who never tried to put someone down and instead helps everyone to reach the top. I have came to love this boy who once decided to end his life and now motivates me to live my life, I love a boy who despite going through everything has emerged as a warrior.

"I love you Bang Christopher Chan." I chuckled as he held my hands , smiling and pulling me towards him.

I admired his smile, the dimples popping out, making him look like a soft fluffball.

"I love you too Ameiah." He smiled and we did the vows. It didn't felt that foreign, it was like we were always supposed to take these , as we slipped the ring in each other's finger , I couldn't help but feel extremely grateful and happy.

"The bride and groom may kiss now"

I blushed as everyone started cheering, specially Hyunjin was being dramatic as always as Aura told him to keep quiet. Seungmin and jeongin have us a thumbs up making both of us laugh , as he came near ,my heart beat fastened and he sweetly kissed my forehead.

I giggled unintentionally and we held hands, promising each other to to stay by each other's side till death do us apart .

"Damn, I got lucky." I told him.

"We both did, I don't know if this is what is meant by soulmates but I just know that you were always the one." He replied me back, looking ahead at others who were congratulated us.
"You look so pretty, my girl."

"Yeah afterall am marrying a prince." I said as he clutched my hand tighter and suddenly kissed my lips softly.
We pulled away smiling.

"I found me in you ." He smiled.
"Stay together, you and I ." I smiled back.


•°|Author's note brought to you by skz's last brain cells|°•

HI, so this book comes to an end and I never planned on writing it, this plot just suddenly came to my mind one day while dreaming and I turned it into a story , I honestly don't know how it is but thank you to everyone for reading it.

Please keep supporting Stray kids cuz they deserve the world and help them in their journey of world domination.

Stray kids everywhere all around the world!

Till next time, bubye!

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