chapter 12

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"What is it going on between you two?" Minho asked Ameiah after the bus started.
"Huh?" Ameiah looked at Minho, "It's nothing. He was being a flirt. That's it. "

"Flirt?" The boy slightly tilted his head and looked towards Chan , talking to Felix and Aura. Minho smiled, finally someone was flirting with his best friend, he can now tease Ameiah.

"Why are you smiling? " She asked pulling his sleeves.

"Do you think he likes you?" Minho smirked.

Ameiah gave him a disgusted look.
"Yah! Do you have a death wish?"

"Ha! Look at you , you look so cute right now.." He said pulling her cheeks.

"If you are gonna use the 'you look cute when you are angry' card on me then no! It's not gonna work." She said pushing his hands away.

"Gosh! You are really a potato. "

Minho murmured under his breath.
"Says a tomato! " Ameiah looked away.

"What did you say?" Minho glared.

"Exactly what you heard." She glared back.

"You know Soonie,Doongi and Dori are so much better than you." Minho said a bit loudly.

"I also think that they are better than you!" She replied back at the same tone.

"You little.." Minho exclaimed as Ameiah looked at him in rage , ready to tell him that how much of a idiot he is being right now.

"Guys! This is literally a public bus." Aura stopped them . "You both are embarrassing yourself! "
"Minho was being an idiot! " Ameiah looked away.

"Stop acting like a child. " Minho said, seriousness laced in his tone. "You're embarrassing me."

"Woah. Great then. I won't do that anymore. " Ameiah replied looking down.

"Why don't you exchange seats with me?" Aura suggested.

"Nah. It's fine." Minho said. "It's not a big deal. "

"Aura, can I sit with you? " Ameiah said standing up .

"Uh..sure. " Aura replied awkwardly as Minho's expressions changed. She could clearly tell that Minho didn't expected Ameiah to actually leave his side.

"Yah? Where are you going? " Minho held ameiah's hand as she went past him to sit with Aura.

"Not your business. " Ameiah glared at him and sat with Aura.

It's not much of a surprise that the rest of the journey was dead silent .


Ameiah's pov

That shit of a fight really hurted me more than it should. Like , I am meeting him after 3 weeks and he had to tease me and put up a fight. Wow! Sometimes I really want to shut him up so bad .

My thoughts were interrupted as my dad opened the door after i knocked for some time . He greeted us and received greetings from everyone else. He sent Minho to wash up and told us to get freshen up too for dinner. I was so excited for the sleepover but after what happened in the bus , I just wanna curl up in my bed and die.

"Amy, should I go and washup first? " Aura asked me while patting my back. Judging by her expression, I guess I don't look normal right now since I am trying too hard to not Cry.
"Yeah, go ahead. " I replied shakily.

She sighed and closed the door of our room and came up to me.
She suddenly hugged me so tightly but it felt so good, like being hugged by your mom.

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