chapter 28

404 26 91

3 years later

Ameiah's pov

I played with my pen as the professor informed us about our research project. As the bell rang and the professor walked out , I quickly texted Aura to meet me at the cafeteria.
As I was passing by I heard some people talking about stray kids.
"They are nominated for Artist of the year in MAMA's and the daesang too."
"Woah. That's crazy!" Another boy told.

I flipped my phone and smiled at the stray kids photo card on the back of it.
I am so proud of them.

I texted in our GC.

~Stray kids~

Me: yoo! I just heard that you all got nominated for daesang and AOTY in MAMA!

Channie: I told you yesterday (+_+)

Me: let me act surprised for once!

Felix: nOt iN tHiS Christian HOUsehold.

Aura: =_=

Aura: Am already in the cafeteria. Where are you?

Me: Can't you see me~

Aura: don't go breakin' my heart~

Me: 9 and three quarters away (run away)~

Aura: 20 cm

Jeonginie: uh..?

Me: my friends don't understand me anymore~

Hyunjinie: They are talking in TXT language.

Aura: you understand us so well ^_^

Hyunjinie: hehe

Aura: what are y'all doing?

Minho-ya: cookingggg

Seungmin: alternate title- trying to burn the house down.

Jisungie: *gasps*

Changbinie: *gasps more dramatically.*

Me- I am..... disgusted.

Felix: disgusting shit.

Channie: Amy and Aura go eat . It's your lunch , don't Starve.

Aura: yes sir!

Me: Okie dokie .

I sat with Aura and ate our lunch. I miss being in Korea but Australia ain't that bad, the most entertaining things are the beaches here, they are so beautiful and I also love how everyone is whipped for stray kids here, specially in Sydney.

"Hey Amy, I gotta finish the lunch." Aura said getting up. "I have class."
"Okay." I nodded and ate in silence thinking about all that changed in these years.

(A/N- basically, this is more like a filler chapter I mean the whole book is a filler . I don't have drastic events or a main storyline. Am writing the flashbacks here so you can go through the memories and also because I want to show that they didn't ghosted eachother other for 3 years and kept contact. Idk if that makes sense but anyway, yeah bye.)

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