chapter 30

435 30 96

Aura's pov

It was really weird of Amy to just go like that, I shrugged not knowing what to do and freshened up. As I locked our apartment and got out, I checked my phone on my way to the bus stop.

Hyunjinie ❤️: you looked so pretty in that pic that Amy sent me ! I almost had a heart attack.

I smiled and texted him back.

Me: Thanks and don't make me blush now :)

Hyunjinie ❤️: Awww my baby is blushing!

Me: Gosh! I told you to not call me baby, it's cringy. 😂

Hyunjinie ❤️: What kinda yeoja chinguya (girlfriend) are you ? Smh.

Me: *pouts*

Hyunjinie ❤️: Oh mY gOsH aUrA!

Me: wHaT ?

Hyunjinie ❤️: We JuSt hAve 25 dAys beFoRe thE daTinG baN lifTs! THen I CaN mArRy yOu...


Hyunjinie ❤️: you. MARRY YOU.

Me: err..but we are what? 21?

Hyunjinie ❤️: yes or no?

Me: wait are you serious?

Hyunjinie ❤️: yes

Me: well, I kind off don't really mind..❤️

Hyunjinie ❤️: OmG hI wiFey!


Hyunjinie ❤️: wifey wifey I love you!

Me: people are giving me weird looks cuz am smiling like a idiot.

Hyunjinie ❤️: my idiot.

Me: ohmygod bye ❤️ the bus is here.

Hyunjinie ❤️: bye wifey!

I was a blushing mess, my cheeks couldn't get any redder and I couldn't smile any wider. I got on the bus and stared out of the window and let the breeze hit me in the face as I closed my eyes and felt myself at peace.

Ameiah's pov

I was called in Mr.Warner's room for the project and I was paired with Emily, Adam and Alyssa. The four of us went to the library and divided the work among ourselves. I forwarded my name for finding out information more about what exactly happens during a cardiac arrest since this way I could spend more time in the library.

Later Emily and Adam went out to get stationery and other essentials for the project while Alyssa went back to class so that she can later give us the notes.

I decided to stay back in the library. I switched on my phone and instantly regretted because there was not a single message from Chan. I really thought that he would text me but seems like my expectations are too high. I kept the phone in my pocket and took a round around the medical section of the library, gathering the books that could be of some use to me .

I took out some six to seven books and went back to the last row of the library and opened the window adjacent to the seat and took out my phone and plugged in my earphones, listening to SHINee.

As I went through the pages, I noted down some important points. I didn't even realized how much time had passed until Aura called me to have lunch. I decided to tell her everything.

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