chapter 14

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Ameiah's pov

The restaurant owned by Seungmin's mother was shattered, the tables and chairs were all over the floor, the windows were broken and all the food was lying on the ground.
Mrs. Kim was crying in seungmin's embrace. My throat dried, I didn't knew what to do.

"Uh..noona?" Seungmin acknowledged me as I walked closer.

"Imo kim , Gwenchana-ah?"
(Aunt Kim, are you okay?)
I asked as i sat down beside them on the floor.
"What happened? " I asked Seungmin who replied looking at the destruction, "They want their money back. Eomma (mom) had taken loan for the treatment of my foot from them and they want it back."

Right, Seungmin had to go under surgery soon after last year's final exams. He was playing baseball when he fell down and hurt himself. Since, Mrs. Kim is a single mother it's hard for her to keep the finances stable.

"Oh.." I replied and then turned towards Mrs. Kim, "aunt, how much do you owe them?"

"50,000 won." She replied crying, "They will take away this restaurant if I don't pay them back by the end of this week. "

"Wha- what! " Seungmin was shocked
"How will we survive then? How much can you pay them by the end of the week?"

"20,000 won. If I give more than that then we will have to sleep hungry for days." She cried and hugged seungmin who was rubbing her back.

" are crying? "
"Huh? " I touched my face only to find that it's wet. I don't know since when I was crying.

"Seungmin-ah, can I help somehow? " I asked almost begging him. Seungmin is someone who doesn't agree to take help easily, I learnt this about him when I was teaching him last summer. If he didn't understand anything even after I explained it then he would self study and try to understand it without bugging me. Never once did he asked me something twice.

"How will you help?" He asked.
"I can give some of my savings, infact I am sure my friends will volunteer too."

"But..."He hesitated.
"They won't make fun of you, I promise and no one else will know about it." I assured him.

"But I don't know when I will be able to pay back." His eyes were red.
"Seungmin-ah, " I patted his shoulder, "You call me your noona , right?"

He nodded as tears fell down his eyes.

"Then let your elder sister help you out. Although I can't promise how much I can help but I will try my best." I tried smiling at him.

"Kumawo (thank you )" Seungmin whispered.

"Ameiah, Kumawo! Kumawo. " Mrs. Kim pulled me in a hug .
This may sound stupid but I started crying out so loud when Mrs. Kim hugged me, I should be consoling her but here i am crying in her embrace.

It's just that her scent is..her scent is very motherly, the affection in that hug was something only mothers can give. This probably doesn't make any sense but when she hugged me, i was reminded of my mother. She hasn't been home for 2 years now! I really miss her. I really do.
I miss hugging her soft body and going to sleep after giving her goodnight kisses. When seungmin's mother hugged me, It felt like my mother hugged me ,even if that feeling lasted for just a split second, it made me feel so warm inside.


I didn't went to school for the rest of the day, I just took the bus and went home. I went to my room and plopped down on the bed. No one was home, dad was in his office, Felix and Aura are in school. Now that I think of it, I like coming home a bit more than before since Felix and Aura came. They make this house more lively. I took out the our family album from my drawer and started flipping through the pictures.

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