chapter 2

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Ameiah walked away from chan but stopped and ran back to him.
"Hey chan, do I need to keep it as a secret from Minho too?"

"Of course. " He scoffed.

Ameiah looked away and spoke "but he is my best friend. "

Chan sighed and walked past her while Ameiah just thought how rude it was.

Ameiah's pov

I walked into my physics class and looked for minho whom I found dozing off at the far end . I walked up to him and sat beside him letting out a sigh.

"Hey Amy!"

"Hmm?" I  looked at him.

"Hey Amy. "


"Amyyy" He somehow always manages to irritate me.

"What minho?" I rolled my eyes.

"You are so ugly. " He commented before turning to look ahead at the professor .
I glared at him while he just smirked looking ahead.

I don't even know why they bother to teach us Physics cuz it's not like am gonna go and find how much gravity is earth using on me while I am taking a nap or something. Yep, i like studying but maths and physics are a huge NO. So, i left maths when i got to choose my stream but unfortunately Physics still managed to creep into my life.

As i tried to focus, minho kept kicking my feet . I huffed and looked away and that's when my eyes found Chan. He was looking outside the window, i don't know how but i really want to help him. He is really famous in school since he is also a trainee and i guess that puts a lot of pressure on him. I never realized that minho was looking at me until he nudged me.

"Amy, you have a crush on him?" His words caught me off guard and i stuttered a bit.

"Nah! I-i was just looking out." I looked down .

"I am not dumb."

"Minho, it's nothing. " we made an eye contact and i figured out that am gonna have to explain everything once i get out of class otherwise minho will kill me.

Minho pulled me  out as soon as the class got over which didn't went unnoticed by chan.
"Explain. " minho asked me once they were out.

"Eh minho, i kinda can't tell you." I looked at him.

"Wow. Don't talk to me until you decide to tell me. Bestfriends? Shit." Minho glared at me before going away.

"YAH MINHO?!" I called him but minho being himself walked away.
I ran upto him since i know minho was angry and that isn't really a good sign.

"Minho-ya, I swear it's really serious and it's not about me so I can't tell you. " I held his hand which he yanked away .

"I am hurt. " He suddenly pouted and I knew that he understood that it's not about hiding anything from him but it's about keeping someone's secret a secret .

"AWW, minhooooooo" I linked my arm with his and walked. "Then should I buy you an ice-cream after school? "

"That would do." He chuckled.

Now we may really seem like a couple or something but we are like siblings. He is my best friend and my biggest enemy too . We really get into fights over chocolates , flowers and what not. Since minho works for BTS, he is kinda famous too but he really likes to keep it low . I have asked him for the member's autographs several times but he never brings them for me but  minho is special. Like really really special cuz he makes me feel good.

We bid our goodbyes and went to our respective classes. He had maths and i had biology , it's always like this, we go through our classes and then eat lunch together. Not a lot of people talk to me in general because they think I only talk about studies and also because am not really into things like socializing so, it has always been hard for me to make friends.

But then it doesn't really matter cuz these were the reasons why minho befriended me at first. He is a good student and he had got stuck in one of the questions and needed help . But unfortunately i also didn't knew about it's solution so we sat and tried to solve it for more than an hour before finding out that he copied the wrong digit.

We had a good laugh on that , it was since then that he started hanging out with me. Minho never treats me different Because I am a girl and i kinda like that. It's been 3 years since we are bestfriends and all i can say is that i don't regret it.

It was during the lunch when i encountered chan again, i passed him a smile and went to the table where minho and I usually sit .
"Ameiah, can I join you? " he asked.
Should I say yes? I don't know if minho would like it. Should I wait for minho to come?

"You can join us chan." I heard minho's voice from behind. He kept his tray and sat down followed by chan. It was pretty awkward to be honest. Minho was glaring at me,  i was glaring back at him and chan was looking at our glaring contest.

"Umm..minho, I told her to not tell anyone about it. " chan said looking down as minho looked at him almost immediately.

"Listen, i don't really know you that well, but if you hurt amy then am gonna kill you. " minho stated.

"Eh? Minho-ya, it's not what you think." I replied as chan nodded and continued,"Ameiah stopped me from jumping of the ledge yesterday. "
At this minho's eyes widened and he looked back and forth to both of us.

"Wh-what? I am sorry. " minho fumbled with words. "Shit."

Chan chuckled and said ,
"it's okay ." And then looked at me smiling.

"Thanks , I was literally dying cuz of minho. " i said honestly.

That's when the bell rang indicating that the break is over. Chan quickly waved us a bye and went . I looked at minho expectantly.
"What ? You are still buying me an ice-cream after school! " He gave me a superior look before ruffling my hair .

"Minho-ya, stop."

"Ah okay, anneyeong!" He laughed and went out of the cafeteria and I put the trash in the dustbin and then started walking towards my next class.


A/N- The chapter may suck but i  had been writing in third person's pov for a longggggg time so writing in this format again is really hard. Am sorry and i promise to make it better. Thanks!

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