chapter 27

426 30 59

4days later

Ameiah's pov

"Amy,Aura come down. The cab is already here!" I heard dad call us from downstairs.
I took a shaky breath as I looked around my room one last time, smiling at my BTS and SHINEE posters, it's funny how worried I was about these posters when I first got to know my cousins were gonna live with me.  I went through the pictures I had on the wall with Felix, Minho,Chan and all my boys.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at Aura.
"Let's go. The boys will meet us at the airport." She said softly, I nodded and she went out with her luggage while I stayed for a few seconds more. I had grown up here and to leave this house was beyond sad for me.

I kept my luggage down and walked to the posters .
"Jonghyun-ah, let's meet soon." I touched the SHINEE poster and then walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I got that jonghyun poster in my first ever album I bought.

Dad and I were a crying mess, I had eventually learnt to live without mom but living without dad is going to be so fucking hard. Aura was crying too,she and dad got close too . Inshort it was a emotional goodbye.

As we reached the airport , a smile formed on my lips as I saw Chan with everyone.
"Aura, they are here." I whispered to a very busy Aura who was apparently trying to set a bag on top of the trolley.
"Huh?" She got distracted and just as the bag was about to fall Hyunjin caught it chuckling lightly.

Chan ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug.
"Do you really have to go?" He whispered in the hug.
"Hmm." I hummed and pulled away to see him pouting. I stroke his hair and went towards Minho.

"Hey minho-ya," I nudged him and he smiled.
"Take care of yourself. My cute idiot best friend." He told hugging me.
"I am taking it as a compliment." I chuckled and pulled away.

As I went to Felix, I hugged him tightly because I couldn't see my sunshine crying. "Sshh..lixie. don't cry." I patted his back.
"I am gonna miss you both so much , so so much." He sobbed on my shoulder. I was still hugging him when I saw Hyunjin also started crying.

Aura was hugging him and he held her in his embrace. I slowly walked over to Jisungie.
"Hey man!" I chuckled and we fist bumped.
I squished his cheeks making Everyone laugh.
"Take care of minho-ya." I whispered to him and he nodded assuring me.

Next I went to changbin and hugged him. Changbin's hugs were always very soft and reassuring. Like, you could just cry for hours hugging him and he would let you.

"Felix protection squad is leaving,take care of lixie and take care of yourself." I chuckled and he laughed a bit nodding.
"You too and keep calling us." He said.
"Also 3RaCha world domination!" I said loudly making jisung and Chan chuckle along with changbin.

"Ah seungminie." I smiled and patted seungmin's head. "Be a good boy and work hard. "
"Noona , I will miss you." He muttered.
"Awww minnie is being cute ." I giggled making him smile.

Lastly,I went to jeongin.
"Jeonginie , listen to the hyun-" I was caught off guard as he suddenly hugged me . He wasn't someone who loved skinships and was very ticklish so, that hug was definitely a surprise and a good one. I smiled in the hug and hugged him back.

"Noona, don't go please ."
"Don't make me cry." I chuckled.

"Hyunjinie" I went to him and pulled his cheeks."don't stop being dramatic."
"I will miss you both." He said sniffing.
"Awwww" I chuckled and hugged him.

"Guys, we have something to say." Aura caught everyone's attention.
I checked my watch since there was still sometime left.

"You have to promise us a few things." Aura said and I nodded.
"No matter what and how big a problem is, always solve it and support each other."

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