chapter 26

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Aura's pov

I took a deep breath and entered the JYP building with Amy . Minho gave us passes so that we could visit them in their dorm and break the news to them. I am really worried about Hyunjin, he is just so emotional and childish. I don't want to hurt him.

Amy pushed the door to their dorm and everyone paused they were doing. All my tension vanished as I saw Hyunjin sitting with jeongin on his lap while seungmin was feeding both of them and changbin was laying on the floor beside seungmin and Felix had kept his head on changbin's arm and was playing games.

A quick glance on the other side of the room and one could see Chan working on his laptop with Minho sitting beside him with jisung hugging Minho from the back.

"Hi!" Seungmin waved .

"yah! You both deserve a good beating." Felix said getting up.

"That was Aura..I did not." Amy pointed at me and I laughed nervously.

"Lix, it's not even a big deal." Changbin chuckled. "Welcome Felix protection squad."

"Actually..we both have something important to say." Amy started but Chan cut her off.

"That you are leaving in 4days. Minho and Felix told us ."

I glanced at Hyunjin who looked away. Why is all this messed up?

"I-" Amy stuttered as Chan looked at her in anger. "I was about to tell you but I didn't knew how to do it."
"Whatever." Chan muttered under his breath and left the room.
Amy tensed up and looked at me.
"Follow him." I said and she left.

I went and sat beside Hyunjin .
"We need to talk." I nodded And we went to his room which he shares with jeongin.
"So, when will you be back?" He asked.
"3 years ." I replied looking down.
"And what if I fall in love with someone else by that time?" He asked.
I immediately looked up.
"Uh..then..I don't know.."

"Aura," he held my shoulder and looked at me. "That won't happen because you are the best I could have got."
"I will miss you so much..I am sorry that I have to go." I said.
"It's okay princess, I will wait for you just like you will wait for me." He said kissing my forehead.
I smiled at the nickname and decided to play along.
"Alright prince." I wrapped my hands around his neck and gave him a peck.

We walked out after that and joined the others.
"Chan hyung looked so angry." Seungmin said.
"That's because he rarely gets angry unlike Minho who gets angry if you don't pick up his phone ." Jisung chuckled.
Felix came and sat beside me.
"Auraaaaaaaaaaaaa" he whisper yelled in my ear making me and Hyunjin laugh.

Ameiah's pov

I came out of their dorm searching for him but he was nowhere to be seen when I bumped into someone. He was taller than Chan and wore a cap and mask.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, umm have you seen Channie? Uh no wait , have you seen bang Chan?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh, you are?"
I debated if I should say I am his girlfriend but I settled with friend.
"I am his friend."
"Chan went to practice room number 15 . It's on the second floor." He informed me. "Do you know me?"

He removed his mask and I looked at him in disbelief.
"J-jackson wang!" I stuttered.
"Good alteast you know me. Ohkay bye.'' he went away and I stood there for a second processing what the hell just happened. Who am I kidding? This is legit the JYPE building, of course there will be idols and trainees.

I took the stairs to second floor and knocked on the door of room no. 15. No answer came so I just opened the door slightly and sighed as I saw Chan sitting at a corner. I entered the room and closed the door.
"Go away." He roared.
"Chan, please don't be like this. Do I have any option?"

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