chapter 3

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"Tsk the school is getting on my nerve more and more. " I exclaimed making some student look at us. Minho chuckled as I continued, "I have so much homework! " I whined.

"Ay Amy , you wanna watch our soccer practice? " Minho asked.

"Nope" I said popping the 'P' , "I just told you I had so much homework." I sighed.

"Chan is going to be there too." He smirked as I shot him a glare.

"What?" He laughed.

"Oh my God! I hate you. " I rolled my eyes.

"So , you are coming ." He looked at me and I nodded negatively.

He sighed and then dragged me with him. "Yah! Minho-ya!!!" I yelled.

"I was not asking you, I was ordering you." He smiled.

I stopped my vain attempt of coming out of his grasp and went with him.
"But you will do my chemistry homework! " I yelled at him as he laughed. Reaching the school ground , I saw boys warming up for the game .
I spotted Chan , he was in the green team and was surrounded by girls.
Of course, he is a trainee and that too in JYP.

I glanced at Minho , who was in the red team.
He was surrounded by girls too but not because he was good at dancing but because he worked for BTS and they wanted their autograph through Minho. Silly girls, me being his best friend couldn't get their autograph and you girls thought he will bring it to you.

I mocked them internally and went ahead to sit in one of the top rows of the seats. I plugged in my earphones and started listening to songs. But unlike everytime I listen to songs , this time i didn't got lost in the melody instead my mind drifted to yesterday's incident. Me being the impulsive teenager somehow managed to stop chan but now when I think of it, how the fuck will I help chan?

I kept thinking of ways but nothing came to my mind. Suddenly I heard loud cheers, looking up i found a guy dodging minho and his teammates, then he passed the ball to Chan and he kicked it towards the goal. Even though the goalkeeper did his best , the ball found the net making the green team the winner.

"He plays well , right?" I turned around to see a girl sitting next to me indicating the guy who dodged Minho. I just nodded.

The girl had shoulder length hair and hazel eyes, they were so beautiful. She also had light freckles and fox eyes. She was in general really pretty.

"I am Lee Aura." She said forwarding her hand which I gladly shook. "I am Ameiah. " I smiled back.

"Nice to meet you! "

"Nice to meet you too." She smiled.
Before any one of us could say anything else, that guy called Aura back so she quickly bid me goodbye and went with him. I sat there waiting for Minho to come back so that I can go back home when I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Chan sitting beside me, drinking water, sweating while breathing heavily.

"Uh-hi." I said awkwardly.

"So, you came here to stalk me?" He said looking ahead. My eyes widened, things I have to hear because of that minho.

"Noo, I am waiting for Minho. He wouldn't let me go home ." I said flatly.

"Quite believable. " He scoffed, clearly not believing me.

"Ugh. Don't believe me, I don't care. " I huffed. Chan suddenly started laughing, I looked at him shocked.
Do boys suffer from mood swings too? Yesterday he wanted to end his life , then he was in such a sour mood in the morning, then he helped me handle minho and now.

"You do suffer from mood swings." I muttered.

"Ameiah, tell me why do you want to help me?" He looked at me.

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