chapter 8

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Ameiah's pov

I called Chan a number of times but he just doesn't seem to understand a word i was saying. Tears welled up in my eyes as i saw him shaking violently. I held his shoulders and tried to steady him. I was clueless, i didn't knew what to do when someone suffers from anxiety attacks.

I kept rubbing his back and saying "it's okay. " again and again but nothing seemed to help.
Should I call minho? I quickly dialed his number but his phone was switched off! Fuck, he's at the concert.

Even before I could do anything else, chan fainted. I feel so miserable and guilty, i shouldn't have asked him about all that. What kind of a friend am i ?
I cried, i cried so hard for not taking matters as seriously as i should have. I should have known how to deal with his problems, i should've made him smile and here, i just gave him more pain.

I looked at him, my tears blurred his face, i kneeled down and tried thinking about what i should do. That's when it clicked me,  i should call mom. I dialed her and she picked up as soon as the network connected.

"Hey amy, how ar-"

"Mom, i need you help. "

"What is it?" Her tone changed into a very serious one.

"One of my friend fainted due to.." i sobbed, "anxiety attack. And i being a stupid person don't know what to do. "

"Amy, don't cry . You can't help your friend if you are hysterical. "

She's calm, unlike me. I wish i was like her. Perfect.

"Try Calling his or her name and if they don't respond, then just let it be . He will wake up as soon as his heartbeat becomes normal. Then try to comfort them only if they want you there, if he resists then leave. "

"Mom, i feel so...worthless. " I cried.

"Amy, don't say like that okay?take care of your friend and call me later when everything is okay. I love you. " her voice is music to my ears.

" i love you more." I tried to keep my voice stable and hanged up.

I waited, waited for almost 15 minutes when i heard chan groaning. I was sitting beside his form, as soon as our eyes made contact, i looked away. It kills me to think that he went through it just because of me.
He tried getting up so, i helped him without meeting his eyes.
"Let's go downstairs. " i say quietly.
I put his hands around my shoulders so that i can help him get down the stairs.

I made him sit on his bed .

"Hey, your eyes-" i cut him off.

"Do you need water?"

I went to the kitchen and as i was filling the glass of water for him ,my mind drifted off to the incident that happened a few minutes before.
I snapped back to reality and took the glass of water towards his bedroom.

On my way i saw the mirror, my eyes. They are red and puffy . He sure knows that i cried.
I knocked before going in , giving his the glass ,i sat beside him.
I didn't moved an inch until i was sure that he drank all the water and was okay.

"Chan-" "amy-"
We both said at the same time.

"You go first. " he muttered.
I looked down at my feet , fidgeting with my fingers, i finally say.
" I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked you anything, i didn't knew that it could trigger you . I am really sorry for being an awful friend. I am so ashamed about it, i didn't even knew how to help you with the attack. I had to call my mom for it. I am so sorry. "

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