chapter 29

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Ameiah's pov

I called Chan as I was bored and aura was already facetiming Hyunjin.
He picked up after ages and answered lazily.

Chan: I am busy..can we talk later?

Me: are you in the studio?

Chan: yeah, is there anything important?

Me: not really, I just wanted to ta-

Chan: I will call later.

I sighed as he hanged up. Our interactions have become so less as they were having a comeback. I always try to think that it's alright and I am overthinking but I do feel insecure at times not because I don't trust him but because I feel am not good enough.

I took a deep breath and forced myself out of the bed and stumbled to the washroom and teased Aura on my way.

"Hey you lovestruck girl, get ready we don't wanna disappoint Lucas and hi Hyunjin!" I waved at Hyunjin who waved back while Aura threw a pillow at me which I dogded.

I wore a light blue dress with a denim jacket and let my hair open. I saw Aura in a white dress and she looked so pretty!
"Aura , Hyunjin says I love you!" I randomly yelled and she turned around with a pretty smile.
"Perfect" I took a candid and sent it to Hyunjin.

"Oh my god did you seriously-" She gasped walking towards me.
"Of course, he needs to see." I smiled and grabbed the house keys and put on my sneakers.
We both locked the house and knocked at Lucas's door.

"Yo! " He greeted us and went back in running to grab his keys and locked his house.
"You both are looking so pretty."
"You look so good too." Aura complimented him.
We walked out and went to a bar.

"Let's get drunk." I said.
"It just takes 3 shots for you to lose it all." Aura chuckled.

"I don't care am frustrated." I say and suddenly a girl bumped into Lucas out of nowhere.

"Uh..sorry." he apologized and the girl smirked and checked him out.

"Not again." Aura rolled her eyes.
Not gonna lie but he is always surrounded by girls who instantly start liking him.

I along with aura shooed the girl away since it was making the three of us really uncomfortable. We went to sit on a side table and ordered beer.
"Why can't they keep calm?" I sighed.
"I sometimes wonder what it feels like to be average looking, tell me Amy, how does it feel?" Lucas chuckled.
"Burnnn" aura laughed.

Honestly, I am not even offended cuz I know that he doesn't mean it and we always use sarcasm so .....*shrugs*
Plus there's no lie.

"It feels okay okay." I chuckled.

"You know i-" I cut him off.

"That you didn't mean it. I know." I completed his sentence with a reassuring smile.

"Oh the beer is here." Aura clapped her hands. "Okay but who's gonna stay sober?"

"Me of course." Lucas said filling the glasses.

I normally don't like getting drunk because I hate the head ache later and honestly...I get really high but I felt so frustrated today.
"Cheers ! " We clinked our glasses and chugged the drink .

Aura's pov

I looked at Amy wide eyed as she chugged down her 8th shot.
"Lucas ..." I mumbled and saw Lucas chuckling as Amy starting vibing to the music in the bar.
"She is out there enjoying life. " Hyung chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh myself.

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