chapter 15

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Ameiah's pov

"You don't have to walk me home, you know that right? It's not even that late. " I say as we walk .
"I just want to do it." He shrugged.

I  shaked my head and look at our hands, intertwined with each other. He would occasionally swing it and sometimes skip a step or two and then giggle like a child.

I mean his duality is amazing, one moment he is trying to be "hot" as he calls himself and the next moment he is my baby boy. I slightly tilted my head and looked at him.
He was smiling and his dimples were popping out.
Cute , I thought and looked down blushing.

To be honest, I am kinda nervous about how to break this out to Minho , given the fact that he had been teasing me ever since that day when he caught me looking at chan during our class, I didn't even knew chan that well back then.

"Why aren't you saying anything? " Chan asked me , breaking my daze.

"Am just nervous. Gosh! What will I say to all of them?"

"You are being cute right now. " He laughed patting my head.

"Cute? I am dying thinking how they will react. Ohmygod! " I kept muttering to myself, "I mean did Minho knew even before I knew about my feelings? Gawd Aura knows too! Fuck what will I say to Felix. Mahn! I should hide som-"

I froze when Chan suddenly bowed down to my level and kissed me. He pulled away smirking almost as soon as he kissed me, i stood there unable to process what happened and he walked forward as if he didn't just kissed me .
"You were talking too much." He spoke loud enough for me to hear.

I blinked a few times and regained my posture and ran to catch up with him when suddenly my phone rang. As soon as i saw the caller ID, I broke into nervous sweats.
Chan noticed and nudged me.
"Minho." I barely whisper as i picked up.

Minho: Ay bro, where are you ?

Me: I was out stargazing with going home now.

Minho: with Chan?


Minho: spill the tea. What are you hiding amyyyyyyy!?

He doesn't really need to tease me when I am already so nervous. I looked at Chan who was trying so hard to hold his laughter.

Me: umm...Listen don't interrupt okay?

Minho: okay .

Me: so, we got to know about new members joining the team and we were really happy.

I stopped to take a huge breath. are okay right?

Me: Don't interrupt okay! UGH! Then we kinda got too close by accident and he kissed me OHMYFUCKINGGOD!"

Chan started laughing and silence greeted me from the other side of the phone.

Minho:........I- WAIT OHMYGOD. YOU BOTH -OH MY GOD!! So, like he is your boyfriend now!?

Me: what? No! Wait..i don't know maybe.

I looked at Chan , he sighed and took my phone away.

Chan: Hi minho. Yes, I am her boyfriend now.

Minho: damn! Congratulations but if you hurt her I am gonna bury you 6 feet down in the ground even before you will know. Other than that, I am happy for you both.

Chan: congratulated me and gave me a death threat in a same sentence. So, I don't know what to say but thank you, I guess.

They both laughed and hanged up.

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