chapter 35

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Ameiah's pov

"Chan?" I opened the door of their studio and looked around but instead of Chan I found Jisung and Changbin working on something.

"YOOOOH!" Changbin made a peace sign.
"Yooo wassup?" I went in and closed the door.
"Eh we are working on our new album." Jisung shrugged.
"Didn't you guys just had a comeback?" I asked emphasising on the word 'Just'. They are always making music and I wonder why don't they all rest a bit.

"No it's for the other album." Changbin muttered.
"Huh?" I looked at both of them in confusion.
Changbin sighed and looked at me, "We are preparing for a future comeback. Like we have enough content to release 3 more albums so we are just perfecting the tracks."

I looked back and forth between them, I would never be able to understand how they keep making tracks when I can't complete a single poem.

"Where's Chan tho?" I asked.
"He went home." Jisung answered.
"Oh. Then I guess I will go there. Bubye ." I shrugged and they said bye to me. As I walked out of the room, a thought stuck me. While I am at it , I should not leave without teasing them a bit.

So I quickly peeped in and both of them looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Ahem..I saw a hickey on Felix's neck. I mean... " I shrugged and chuckled as changbin's eyes widened and he just straight up panicked.
Jisung started laughing and I knew exactly what to say to him as well.

"Why are you laughing lol? Minho posted another MinSung selca on Instagram and STAYS are malfunctioning. " I said.
"Wha- wait? Which selca?" He asked looking like a confused squirrel.
"Well, the one where you are leg- hugging him ..I don't know what you call that pose lol." I snickered.
"Ah.." he held is head and fake cried.
"You have a pretty expressive boyfriend. Bye . " I laughed and went out of the JYPE building.

As I turned on the radio as I drove through the busy lanes of Seoul. At the signal I dropped a quick message to Chan that I am coming. I stopped by the grocery store and decided to buy snacks for the boys. Hyunjin and Aura are out of Seoul as they went to his hometown. I parked my car and went inside the store, collecting different kind of snacks and soft drinks.

Soon enough I was Infront of their dorm and I rang the door bell. I high fived Seungmin as he opened the door.
"Snacks!" He squealed, I nodded handing him over the bags of snacks as I put off my shoes.
"Thanks noona." He said going inside their living room.
"Who is it?" I heard Felix asking as I came in and as soon as he saw me , he gasped and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much! Ohmygod." He patted my head.
"Same tho, I barely got any time last week. There were so many patients."
"I am so proud of you." He chuckled and I nodded as I greeted others.

"Hi bestfriend." Minho stood up from the couch and hugged me.
"Hi to you too." I smiled as we pulled away. "So, are you teaching Jeongin?"
"Yeah." He sighed as jeongin have me look of acknowledgement.
"Do well!" I cheered, "where's Chan?"

"Hyung is in the kitchen." Jeongin said without looking up from his book.
"Focus you little-" Minho glared at him .
"Am gonna go meet him then." I said and walked to the kitchen.

I chuckled as I saw Chan preparing dinner for the members.
"Channie~" I sang.
"Welcome to Chan's kitchen!" He chuckled looking at me .
I went inside and hugged him from the back as he kept cooking.
"How's everything going?" I asked .
"Pretty good . What about you?" He asked.
I pulled away and lean against the kitchen counter . "I am happy whenever I can treat a patient well. " I said.

"Aww that's cute." He chuckled.
"Yeah. " I shrugged and saw him cooking in silence . After he was done we both went to the terrace and sat down looking at the night sky.

"It's pretty!" I pointed at one of the constellations.
"Yeah! The weather is pretty good too, clear sky and windy." He said.
I looked at him, he is so beautiful inside out. I wonder how did I ended up being so lucky, I quickly leaned in and pecked his cheeks. He looked at me in shock as his ears turned red.

"You have become pretty bold. " He giggled and hugged me.
I relaxed in his embrace.
"Amy, I want you to know that I am really thankful." He mumbled.
I took his hand in mine and let him speak. These are the times he lets out everything he feels and I don't want to stop that.

"Someone asked me today that how was it to train for seven years. "

As soon as he said that I groaned internally. That person really touched his softest spot.

"It was really.. debuting doesn't feel real you know, those seven actually went by pretty fast. One day , I found myself to be very independent. I would do everything and take care of everything by myself. Honestly, being a trainee for a long time is really hard. At one point I was in the dorm alone and by myself .I was lonely I guess I was 15 or 16?
It was hard because  of the generations of kpop bambam and yugeom were first generation, second generation are the friends who debuted after and I had trained with all of them. So , if I think it like that then seven years was a long time."

I tightened my grip on his hand as I heard his voice breaking.

"I used to come back home from practice in morning, seungmin saw me almost everyday while going to school. They told me to sleep well and eat well but the desperation to debut was much stronger. I really wanted to perform in JYP nation, you know? "

As I heard him , I thought about how is the kind of person who thinks about others first, he will always put others before him. The way I have seen it, he is really someone everyone can admire. 

"I did debut, I did perform and I feel like everything in the past is worth now. Haven't we come a long way? " He lifted his head up and pulled away, smiling like he didn't suffered, like he wasn't left alone when everyone around him debuted, smiling like he wasn't depressed.

I felt my cheeks getting wet and quickly wiped away the tears.
"You did and I am so proud of you." I said looking at him.
"Don't cry!" He chuckled making me smile even though the lump in my throat hurted too much.
"So, will you be my side for the rest of our journey?" He asked pulling out a ring from his pocket.
"Chan wha- why are you so adorable." I tried to say between my sobs making him laugh.

"C'mon, tell me will you stay with me forever?" He asked looking at my eyes.
"I will stay with you, forever." I smiled as he slid the ring in my finger and kissed me softly.
"I love you."
"I love you" I smiled through the kiss.


I know this was supposed to be the last chapter but it is not. I decided to not write an epilogue but write another chapter for a better closure also the way I cried when I wrote about how he felt in his trainee years. I almost wrote the exact words he told to the original interviewer.
Please give him love~

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