chapter 21

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(A/N- WHAT THE- IT'S ALREADY CHAPTER 21 OHMYGOD! I like started this book jk)

Ameiah's pov

Aura and i literally jumped around the house like crazy as soon as we recieved Felix's call saying that he and seungmin got selected. We both took help from dad and decided to do something for the boys.

stray kids

Me: Yo guys, we have a surprise for you all!

Aura: yes but we need some time!

Hyunjinie☆: YAY!

Channie☆: That was legit not necessary.

Me: Shut up.

Channie☆: I-

Minho♡: That's my bestfriend y'all!

Jisungie: I am excited.

Changbinnie: i am emotional.

Felix♡: I am worried about what on earth they might end up doing.

Seungmin: same.

Jeongin: Agree.



Me: Do whatever you all want to do.

Hyunjinie: b-but i want surprise :(

Aura: (-_-)

Aura: y'all , don't come before an hour, okay? Oh and it's a sleepover.

Changbinnie: okay.

I quickly cleaned the house while Aura was moving the extra furniture from Felix's room to the guest room with the help of dad since his room was larger than ours. We decided to keep only the computer and brought the projector and attached it to the computer.

I ran to the grocery store next to our neighborhood and ran through the shop gathering all the items needed to make today's dinner. Then i ran back to the house and decided to check up on what dad and Aura did. As i entered the room , i was pleasantly surprised and gave them a thumbs up. Dad went to do his work later on while Aura helped me prepare the dinner.

"Bro..i am tired. " Aura huffed as we turned off the gas after finishing everything we wanted to cook.
"Go take a shower fast!" I pushed her giggling and patiently waited. Soon i also took a shower. I was just drying my hair as i heard the door bell ring. I smiled to myself and walked out of the room to see all the boys excitedly hugging Aura.

"Hey, take me too." I said running towards them and joining them in the group hug.

"Congratulations boys!" I heard dad's voice and the boys bowed down to him.

"Should I try to impress your dad?" Chan whispered next to me.

"I already told him , Aura did too." I whispered back.
"Shit." I felt him grew tense beside me.

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