chapter 11

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Ameiah sighed closing her book and massaged her temples.
"Aura? You awake?" She asked and heard nothing. Turning around she saw Aura in a deep slumber. Ameiah stood up and pushed the chair back and walked out of their room and went to Felix's room.

After knocking for sometime, she gave up. Felix was awake, playing League of Legends but with headphones on. You could hear his "bro ,shoot! " , "Why don't you die !" And several other excited screams.

Ameiah struggled with the thoughts of whether to go back to her room or call Chan . Minho is probably at the airport so, calling him is of no use. She finally settled at the thought of calling chan, that boy doesn't sleep anyway.
She quickly dialled his number and started humming to his caller tune.

This street is completely frantic
이 거리는 완전 난리야

(Call me baby)
(Call me baby)

People are different.
사람들 사이는 남이야

Every moment together
함께하는 매 순간이

Like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
Like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

What up
What up

Hey Girl, it was like eternity
Hey Girl
영원 같던 찰나

Ameiah's dance to the caller tune was interrupted as Chan picked up the call.
"Hello?" He giggled as Ameiah abruptly stopped humming.

"Ah..hi." she chuckled, "mahn! I love this song!"

"Jinjja?(really) , I love how it makes me wanna dance everytime i hear it." He replied.

"That being said, you love EXO too? " Ameiah asked unable to hold her excitement.

"Yes! Exo rocks! you listen to other bands than BTS too?" Chan asked.

"Obviously! Hey wanna go out?" Ameiah hesitantly asked.

"When? Tomorrow after picking up minho?"

"No, right now." Ameiah bit her lips waiting for an answer.

"It's 12:30 am , you need to sleep. And it won't be safe plus i don't really think your dad will allow. " chan replied in a serious tone.

"Waeeee! Please chan, please. "

"Nope. Good night. "

"Aish! " amy cut the call and sat on the living room couch, She decided to watch a drama to pass her time. After half an hour or so she heard footsteps coming down from the stairs.

"Uh..oh..Amy? You're awake?" Felix asked her as they made an eye contact.

"Wanna play LOL?" Felix offered.
"Umm..i don't really know how to play League of Legends. " she laughed nervously.

"Let your brother do the favor. " Felix forwarded his hand , they exchanged a look and amy was pulled up from the couch by felix and they raced back to his room.

"Felix,  should i call you oppa?" Ameiah laughed.

"No! " felix cringed. "I am your cousin but there's no need to acknowledge me in that way!"

And then they started playing , not stopping till they saw the sun was already up.

"it's-it's already morning? " Ameiah looked out of the window with sleep in her eyes.

"Damn sis!" Felix stood beside her, "you're good at it. Aura would love to play with you. "
They both exchanged a smile and went to wake Aura up and get ready to pick up Minho.

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