You weren't there (2)

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Jughead P.O.V

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid

That's what I'm. That's what I did. I made her belive that I was cheating on her. I made her hate me. I made her sad. But the fact was I never cheated on her. How could I when I am deeply in love with her. I regret that I wasn't giving her time from the past months. We hardly see each other. And that was only because of my boss. He was on the leave of 4 months and gave me responsibility to see each and everything of the office. I had to stay late at office to finish my outstanding work and arrive early to give the employees their work. I was suffering but I didn't wanted Betty to knew that. She was also handling Addie and I didn't wanted to give her more tension. But I didn't knew this will rise up this much that she will think I'm cheating on her.

Wait! What if she saw the message on my phone. Omg!! That's a big misunderstanding...

I called Lacy quickly and turned the recording of my phone on.

Next day I was woke by Addie's crying. I went to her room and saw she was up and her diaper was dirty. I changed her and picked her up. And being honest, I missed her. I hardly remember when I hold her in my arms. She started giggling and hugged me. It brought a smile on my face.

Da-Da” She said and it warm my heart.

“Hey Addie. You hungry?” I said and she shook her head.

I brought her down stairs and sat her in the chair. I made smashed food for her and feed her.

I was playing with Addie when I heard footsteps. I placed my daughter near her toys and stood up to see  Betty walking in the kitchen. She turned and I saw her tear stained face. It made my heart broke. I regret it and I hate myself for doing this to her.


She didn't answered back.

“Betty please listen to me let me explain!! I promise you it will not be a waste” I said with pleasing eyes.

She turned around and looked in my eyes.

Okay you have 10 minutes”

After I told her about the whole situation, she didn't looked satisfied. She paced around the room.

But this doesn't explain those messages on your phone by Lacy” She said with glossy eyes.

“I know that.. And for that you have to listen this” I said and played the recording.

( This is Jug, this is Lacy)

Hello Lacy”

Hey Jughead! How you doing?”

Lacy you send some messages last night. Why you send them?”

Come on Jones! How many time I have to tell you I didn't mean to send it to you. I was sending them Jared. It was an accident.”

But you did write Mr.Jones?”

Well yeah that's why I said accident because his full name is Jared Jones. He's a Jones too. I'm sorry If it created some misunderstanding.”

No it's fine. We are good. Thank you byee.”

Byee Jones. ”

I turned the player off and saw Betty. Her eyes we're wide and hands were shaking.

Omg I'm so sorry” she sobbed and ran towards me. She hugged me and I sigh in relief. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek .

Sorry.. I'm so sorry. I didn't belived you. It was a big misunderstanding.” She said and cried.

“It's fine Betts. It is my fault too.”

She looked up and wiped her tears.

No it's not. It's mine.” She said.

“No baby it's mine. I didn't gave you time. But those days are gone. My boss is back now. And he gave a regular working shift now. I can come home early now.” I said and smiled.

She smiled back and nodded.

I'm sorry. I love you”

I love you too”

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